Chapter 6.5

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I'm reminded of moving Rory back into Paris and Doyle's apartment during her senior year.  This woman has a LOT of books!  Everywhere I turn, I find more books stashed away.  They're in drawers, under the bed, back of the closet, and every place in between.  I found it hard to believe she didn't have some tucked away under a floorboard.  Outside of her library, Rory had very few items to move into our place in NYC.  This meant I could spoil her with some shopping.  Thank God I convinced her to use the moving company.  Even if there wasn't a lot of stuff, it would just be easier in the long run.

Now that the packing was finished, we checked into our room at the Dragonfly Inn.  Lorelai's inn was as beautiful as I remembered it, which is why I figured it would be a perfect place for a little party tonight in Rory's honor.  I couldn't wait to share 'us' with family and friends.  I even managed to get Sookie to cater it.  Lorelai made an excellent co-conspirator.  While Emily is an expert in more formal affairs, Lorelai had a touch of her mother's party skills.  She was more about the fun than perfection.

We got up to our room, and I could tell that the packing had taken its toll on Rory.  She looked like she could use a nap, which would be perfect timing for me to sneak out and finish setting up for the party.  The packing took longer than I had anticipated due to the impromptu game of hide-and-seek with Rory's books.  I was running a tad late.

"Hey, Ace, do you think you'd be up for some dinner tonight?" I asked.  Food is as good a guise any, and it's not as if there wouldn't be food, so not a total lie.

"Sure, Huntzberger.  What did you have in mind?"

"Don't you worry about a thing!  Take a little nap, and I'll wake you in an hour," I replied, trying not to give anything away.  It was hard for me to keep secrets from her.  She was good at reading me, so I'm sure she deduced I was up to something.  As far as I knew, she had no idea what was going on.

I made my way back downstairs once she was sound asleep.  I shot off a text to everyone.

-Rory's asleep.  You know what to do!

I went into the kitchen to find Sookie surrounded by so much food, I couldn't see any available counter space.  Lorelai warned me she'd get carried away.  I tried all of the food, and I can see why Rory loves it so much.  She even had a cake that was so beautiful I couldn't imagine cutting into it, thus marring a work of art.  We chatted for a few minutes until she lost me talking about soil and alkaline levels.  This science was way over my head, but apparently it was changing the food game as we know it.

The guys are the first ones downstairs, which was expected since they are also staying here.  I can't believe we were able to hide that from Rory.  They have been going crazy, hounding me to see her.  The guys start rearranging things for the party and setting up the tables.  I hang out near the front desk, waiting for the guests to arrive.  Everyone else was in or near Stars Hollow.  Once they were all here, I excused myself upstairs.  It had been nearly an hour, and it was time to wake up my Ace.  I felt like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Ace, it's time to get up," I said softly.

"Has it been an hour already?"

"Yes, it has been.  Now, it's time for you to get ready, or we'll be late for our reservation," I said unable to hide the excitement.

"What am I going to wear this evening, Huntzberger?" She replied, smiling coyly.  This seems like an attempt to gather more information.

"Why don't you wear your lucky outfit?" I said with a wink, and still trying to hide any reaction.  It was impossible because I was anxious for her to see everyone.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now