Chapter 13.5

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I tried to help break Rory's fall to the floor.  Everyone started crowding around her, and I was trying to keep people back a little bit.  I didn't know what to do.  I felt so helpless.  A moment ago, I was kissing my beautiful bride and now, she's lying on the floor.

"Rory?" I tried whispering to her.  I knelt at her side, holding her hand.  It was all I could do.

"Is Mother ok?" Finn asked.

I couldn't form a thought.  I started to panic.  I couldn't lose her, not on our wedding day.

"I'm calling 9-1-1," Lorelai said to me.  I don't think her statement registered in my head.

Finn dropped to his knees, as he seemed to be going into some sort of rescue mode.  He put his cheek near her mouth with his head turned toward her chest.  Then he took her wrist and held it while looking at his watch.  It took a moment, but I recognized some basic first aid.  A look of relief came across his face.

"She's breathing, but her pulse is a little slow," he said to me.  "I think she may have fainted, but we'll let the professionals figure it out."

Suddenly, the panic that had flooded me a moment ago subsided.  There's no way that just a kiss would make her faint, but maybe it had something to do with the baby.  How did Finn know what to do? I wondered.  Then it hit me, he'd been training for some free diving competitions and thought it would be beneficial to learn some first aid and CPR.  In fact, his coaches highly recommended it for all of the swimmers.

"Thanks, Finn," I said.  "I'm really glad you got all of that first aid training."

"It's no problem, Mate.  I'm worried about Mother, too," he replied softly, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I was thankful for great friends who loved Rory almost as much as I do.  I held her hand while I watched the changing expressions on Rory's face.  First, it was a look of slight panic that turned into a soft smile.  I wondered if she was dreaming about something.  Her expression changed to that of the loving smile she'd often given me.  Maybe she's dreaming about us, I wondered.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see my father standing behind me.  "Don't worry, Logan.  She's going to be fine," he said.  "She's a strong, independent woman.  She takes after her mother and grandmother."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Now, I've already called ahead to the hospital and arranged a private room.  Considering the media frenzy still swirling around your break-up with Odette, I felt the privacy would be beneficial for you two."

"I hadn't thought of that, but I appreciate it, and I'm sure Rory will as well."

"One of the most valuable lessons I've learned was how to keep a clear head despite my emotions.  I know, in the past, I've taken this to an extreme by essentially shutting off my emotions, aside from anger.  After the heart attack, I've learned to find a balance in this lesson," he said.  "I want you to learn from my mistakes and find that balance for yourself, and for your family.  I consider myself lucky to have been given this second chance, and I'm going to make the most of it."

I didn't say anything to him, but he knew what I was saying with my smile.  I was grateful he was given a second chance, too.  It mean, maybe, after all of these years, I'd finally get the father I had always wanted.  Not like the ones you see on TV, but a real dad, who cares and wants to be a part of my life, and my family's lives.

"Ace?  Ace?" I said, trying to rouse her to no avail.

Where the hell was the ambulance?  It can't take that long to get here, I thought.  I glanced at my watch and only ten minutes had transpired.  It felt like an eternity, and with Rory unconscious, it was even longer.  Lorelai came back into the room.  She knelt down next to me.

"Logan, the ambulance should be here shortly," she said softly.

"Thank you, Lorelai," I replied.

"She's going to be ok, and so is the baby.  She's a strong one," she stated putting her arm around my shoulders.

I nodded my head.  Everyone else had migrated closer to us, chatted quietly about nothing, and keeping a close eye on us.

"C'mon, Ace.....come back to me," I whispered to her.

She smiled, and I hoped it was because she heard my voice.  I held her hand and gently touched her cheek with my other hand.

"Ace!  I know you're in there...." I pleaded, fighting the tears that seemed imminent.

"The ambulance is here," Finn said from the doorway.

Rory started to stir.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now