Chapter 5

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I bolted straight up in bed.  I awoke in a cold sweat.  The dream was so vivid, so real.  I saw Logan beside me, still sound asleep.  In my dream, Grandma was livid with me.  I couldn't get a word in edgewise.  But I'm here and not at her house.  Now, I'm dreading the trip to Nantucket and the prospect of facing her.  I start recalling the fights we've had in the past.   She's not the same woman, I remind myself.  She's changed since Grandpa passed away.  I try to go back to sleep, but it's elusive.  I finally drift off just before Logan's alarm goes off.  He quickly turns off the alarm and kisses my cheek.

"Good morning, Ace," he says softly.  "The car will be here in an hour to take us to the airport."

I push away the covers and stand up.  I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the shower.  I can hear Logan rustling around in the kitchen.  I sure hope he's making coffee, I think as I climb into the shower.  I let the steam take me away for a few minutes.  I get out of the shower and dry myself.  I get dressed and walk into the kitchen, following the scent of freshly brewed coffee.  I pour myself a cup.  I glance at the clock, noting the car will be here in less than 30 minutes.  I take a sip and rush back into the bedroom to finish packing.  I realize I didn't have much to pack since I had only brought an overnight bag with me a few days ago.  We still needed to pack up my things in Stars Hollow.  I put a few things into Logan's suitcase and we head down to the car.

The flight was a bit rough, but short.  I felt myself drifting in and out of sleep.  I wasn't sure if it was from lack of sleep or the pregnancy.  I woke up when we touched down in Nantucket.  We exited the plane and headed for baggage claim.  The car would be here soon to take us, along with Mom and Luke, to Grandma's new home.  The nervous feeling had taken root in my body.  Logan wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead.  He just had this way of knowing when I need him, his touch.

We get our lone suitcase and head out to the car waiting outside.  As we climb inside, we are greeting by my mom and Luke.  I was thankful for their company on this trip.  The car dropped us off to a waiting Emily.  She was standing outside awaiting our arrival.  She looked comfortable, calm.  Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, I thought.

"So wonderful to see you again, Emily," Logan greeted her.  "I'm very sorry to hear about Richard.  He was an amazing man."

"Logan, why, thank you!  You haven't changed a bit!"  She replied.  "Still as charming as ever."

"Hi, Grandma," I said.

"Hi, Mom," Lorelai said.

"Hi, Mrs. Gilmore....uh....I mean....Emily," Luke stumbled through his words.  He's never been comfortable around her.

"Hello, Rory, Lorelai...Luke," Grandma replied.  "Come in!  There's no sense in standing out here in the cold!  Berta, come and get my family's things!"

Berta hurried to the door and ushered everyone inside, grabbing their suitcases and jackets as they entered.  She always had such a big smile on her face.  It's such a change from Grandma's previous maids.  Those women were scared and meek.  This woman is smiling, boisterous and has been with her for almost a year.  That must be some sort of record in the history of Emily Gilmore's maids!

"Come!  Come!  Sit down!  How about some drinks?"

"Mom, it's not even noon yet.  Don't you think it's a little too early for drinks?"

"Nonsense, Lorelai.  Are you turning down a drink?"

"No, Mom.  I just thought maybe we could have some lunch before we start in on the booze."

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now