Chapter 30

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I turned into Logan and buried my face into his chest.  He wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.  Shira was silent, but gently rubbing my back.  I couldn't get over this motherly version of her.  Why did she suddenly feel maternal with me?

"Lorelai, I'm Dr. Schmidt," he said as he entered the room.

"She prefers Rory," Logan chimed in.

"Sorry, Rory.  How are you doing?"

"The pain sucks," I replied bluntly.

"I'm going to take a look at your contractions," he said, pausing and looking at the papers printing out behind me.  "Your symptoms suggest you aren't in actual labor.  I think you might be experiencing what's known as Braxton-Hicks contractions."

"So, I'm not going to have the baby tonight?"

"Probably not.  This is your body's way of warming up and practicing to give birth.  We generally see this in pregnancy as you get closer to your due date."

"Is this going to last for the next seven weeks?" I asked, concerned that I may not be able to handle this kind of pain for so long.

"It shouldn't.  We'll keep you here for a while longer for observation, just to make sure since you are close to your due date.  Generally, we see them subside after a few hours," he assured me.

The doctor left the room.  I began to calm a bit.  I realized I hadn't felt any contractions for the last ten minutes.  Maybe these were subsiding, but it didn't make them any less scary.

"I'm going to grab something to drink and check on Mitchum.  I'll let him know you are ok," Shira said, excusing herself.

"Thank you, Shira," I said with a small smile.  She flashed a smile in return.

"How are you feeling, Ace?" Logan asked softly.

"I don't know.  The contractions seem to be going away, but if it's a prelude of what's to come, I'm scared.  I'm not sure I can do this birthing thing," I replied.

Finn slid into the room quietly, which is definitely not his style.  He had a very worried look on his face.

"Finn, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Our boy texted me, and I came as quick as I could, Love," he replied, nodding to Logan.

"I told you that you didn't have to come," Logan replied.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world.  You guys are family, and so is she," Finn replied, pointing to my stomach.

"Oh, Finn!  You are the sweetest," I replied, holding out my arms.

"I will be here whether you like it or not," he whispered to me.  "Besides, there are a lot of hot nurses here!"

"That's our Finn," Logan said laughing.  "And how many numbers have you collected so far?"

"None....yet," he replied.  "Mother is top priority."

"Wow, in all of the years I've known Finn, no one has ever been more important than collecting numbers.  This is high praise, Ace," Logan said, smiling at me.

"Finn, I'm so touched.  Little Ace is so lucky to have great people like you in her life," I said.

Logan's phone rang.  "It's your mom," he said to me.  "Finn, can you stay here with Ace while I go get Lorelai?"

"I'd be delighted," Finn replied.

"I'll be right back.  I'm going to meet your mom in the family area."

"Have you given any thought to a name for the baby?" Finn said as Logan left the room.

"Finn!" Logan chastised from the hall.

Finn sat on the side of the bed and put his arm around me, giving me a sweet hug.  Over the years, Finn had become my brother, my protector.  He was going to be an amazing and overprotective uncle to Little Ace.  We sat in the moment, quiet and calm.


"No baby, yet?"

"She's not quite ready to make her debut, but she's got the dramatic thing down already," I replied.

"Well, she's a Gilmore.  What did you expect?" Mom said.

"I know, I know.  I'm looking forward to the splits on a crate of dynamite," I said.

"I sense some sarcasm in your voice, daughter of mine.  Do not mock for you, too, will feel this pain!"

"That's what I'm afraid of," I stated.

The doctor came back into the room.  He told me that I could go home, but he recommended bed rest because of the intensity of the contractions.  I signed the discharge papers.  He said I needed to follow up with my regular doctor this next week.  A different nurse came into take off the monitors.  She also brought a wheelchair.  I changed into my own clothes and begrudgingly sat down for my ride out of the hospital.

"Bedrest?  Is he kidding me?"

"Ace, it's for your own good!  I'll make sure we've got people to help care for you," Logan said.

"Who's got that kind of time?  Or are you hiring extra help?"

"Whatever we need to do, we'll do it," he replied.

"Let me be the first to offer my services," Finn said.

"Michel can cover for me at the Inn for a few days," Mom offered.

"I would love to help in any way I can," Shira stated.

There was a moment of silence due to the unexpected offer from Logan's mom.  Who was this person she had become towards me.  I still wasn't sure if it was an act, or a sincere change of heart.

"Mom, I think that would be wonderful.  I think Rory would agree that she'd be better off with friends and family rather than strangers," Logan said.

"I agree, Logan, but I'd rather not be on bedrest," I replied.

"That's not an option right now.  Let's get you home for now, and we can work out the details tomorrow."

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now