Chapter 26.5

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We had finally begun the moving process.  Emily left us quite a few things because she couldn't fit them at the new house, but couldn't bear to part with them.  We used them where we could as we were completely redecorating the house minus the study.  We stayed at our apartment for another six while most of the work was being done.  I helped where I could, but most of Rory's help came from Lorelai and Honor.  Most of what I did was packing, and I left the decorating in the hands of those more capable than myself.

By the time they were done, it barely resembled the house I remember.  I had hoped Emily wouldn't take offense to the drastic change, but it reflected our style accurately.  True to Rory's word, she left the study intact, including the painting of her that Emily had commissioned many years ago.  I couldn't understand how she could work with it in there.

"Ace, are you sure you don't want to move this portrait?"

"No, I want to leave everything as it is in here.  Grandma had it commissioned for him and the two of us had a special connection," she replied.

"I don't think Richard would have a problem with you moving the painting of you.  This is now your study, not his."

"If it gets too weird, we can move it, but for now, let's just leave it.  Somehow, it makes me feel a little closer to him," she replied.  I saw the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I didn't mean to make you cry," I said and kissed the side of her head and put an arm around her.  I had hoped it was just hormones causing the tears and not actually something that I said.

"Not your fault, it's the damn pregnancy hormones.  The littlest thing brings me to tears and sometimes it drives me crazy, which makes me cry even more!" she replied.  I quietly held her until she calmed down.

I was happy to be settled in our new home in Hartford.  I could concentrate on transitioning into my new role at HPG.  I was finally taking over for my dad, just as he'd always intended all those years ago.  It felt good to be here, even though I had dreaded this day for the majority of my life.  With Rory by my side, it was a natural move.  I had discovered a love for my work I had never known before.  I was not my father, nor was I on the path to become him.  He actually seemed proud of me.

I couldn't do it on my own, and I owed a great deal of my success to Rory.  She had always been very supportive, and encouraged me to be my best.  She offered great advice, and would often as me about work.  I hoped at some point in the future, I could bring her on board as an employee.  At first, she gave me a little pushback, but after a while, it was natural for us to discuss HPG.  She had a great deal to offer because she had a natural talent for the industry.

I made sure to balance my work and home life.  Even though we discussed work, it wasn't the main topic of conversation in our house.  With the baby's due date quickly approaching, most of our conversation surrounded her and the baby.  We also talked about family and friends.

"When are we going to invite Emily over to see the house?" I asked one night at dinner.

"I'm a little scared to let her see the place now, to be honest.  Mom said something about wanting to be here when she sees how much we've changed the house.  Now, I'm freaked out because I think she's going to have a heart attack.  She lived in this house for fifty years and in all of that time, it got some sprucing here and there, but this is completely different.  Grandma has called a few times and dropped some not-so-subtle hints about wanting to visit.  I've managed to keep her at bay so far," she replied.

"We should do it sooner rather than later.  You know how Emily can get, Ace."

I knew putting things off could have a potentially negative effect on the situation.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now