Chapter 7

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It had been nearly a week since Logan surprised me with a wonderful night with our closest friends.  Now, I'm waiting in traffic on my way to the first appointment for the baby.  I've been diligently reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting."  Logan picked it up for me earlier this week.  As if I needed another book.  He's an enabler, that one.  This book is more necessity than pleasure.  It doesn't make me any less nervous for this appointment.  Up to now, this pregnancy has been an abstract idea.  Aside from the morning sickness, the whole thing seems intangible.

The car pulls up to the building that houses the medical center.  I make my way inside, find the elevator and press the button for the fifth floor.  Just before the door closed Logan slipped into the elevator car.  I was so relieved that I didn't have to wait around for him.

"Hey, Ace," he said, sliding up next to me, giving me a sweet smile.

"I'm so glad you made it, Logan," I said, smiling back at him, feeling a sense of reprieve.  "I'm a little nervous about all of this.  None of it seems real to me."

"I'm here.  Don't worry, I'm nervous too!  I'd be lying if I said I haven't given this any thought!  We've got plenty of time to learn and get everything figured out," he replied.

"I know.....I know," I responded.

I walk up to the front desk and check in for my appointment.  I'm sent back to my seat with information sheets to fill out and a clipboard.  I begin filling out the paperwork.  Logan pulls out his cellphone and checks his e-mail.  Since we've been back in the city, he's had to throw himself into his new role for the company.  I'm so proud of him for stepping up.  He's even gone to visit his dad, who is now back home recovering.  Of course he's got nurses caring for him 24/7, so he's well taken care of.  We are going there this weekend.  At least Honor and Josh will be there to help buffer for us.

"Lorelai Gilmore," I hear the nurse call me by my full name.  I stand up and move toward her.  I pause for a moment, looking back for Logan.  He's thoroughly engrossed in something on his phone.

"Logan, it's time to go in," I say, interrupting his work.

He looks at me from his phone, clicks the button on the side and slides it into his jacket pocket.  Logan follows behind me to the room.  The nurse takes a few vitals and conducts a quick health history.  Logan is distracted by his e-mail again.  I wonder why he's so distant today.  I know he's taken on a lot more responsibility and needs to adjust.  She sets a paper blanket on the exam table and tells me to get undressed from the waist down.  The nurse excuses herself letting us know the doctor will see us shortly.  Logan comes out of his e-mail world.

"Sorry, Ace!  There's so much going on right now and things for me to catch up on.  I thought if I could get a few more things taken care of, I could come home early tonight and take you out for a nice romantic dinner," he said without any prompting.  He takes my hand and kisses me on the cheek.  I knew there was a logical explanation for his distraction.

I stand up, remove the clothing from the lower half of my body and take my place on the exam table.

About 5 minutes later, I hear a light knock, followed by the door opening.  The doctor walks in.  She looks to be in her mid to late 40s with red hair and emerald green eyes.  I'm sitting awkwardly on the exam table with the paper blanket on my lap.

"I'm Dr. Anna O'Brien.  It's nice to meet you, Lorelai," she greeted me with extended hand.

"I prefer Rory, if you don't mind," I reply, shaking her hand.  She offers her hand to Logan as well.

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