Chapter 3

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I was startled back to reality by my mom's ringtone.  Panic started to set in.  I had only left her a note and didn't exactly say where I was going.  She still doesn't know who the father of the baby is and it's been a point of contention between us.  She wants to know and I won't tell her.  I wanted Logan to know first.

"Hi, Mom," I say answering the call.

"I got your note.  So, where did you go?  It wasn't exactly clear and Luke is worried," she said.

"About that, I'm in New York.....with Logan....."

I listen for the sound of her jaw hitting the floor.  I'm sure she had her suspicions about the paternity of the child growing in my womb.  I heard nothing.  Silence.


"I'm just a little surprised.  I had the feeling it was him, but I had hoped it wasn't.  You know how awful his family was to you and isn't he still engaged to that girl?"

"No, mom.  He's not engaged to her.  He's taking charge of his own life.  Mitchum is in the hospital after a massive heart attack.  They had a talk about Logan making his own decisions, and that included me.  Logan knows about the baby and we are getting married," I replied.

"Married?!  Just because you are pregnant, it doesn't mean you have to get married!  Do you have any idea what you are getting into?  You don't have to do this!"

"Mom, let's not have this conversation over the phone.  I know what I'm getting into.  How about we all get together for dinner?  Let's plan for tomorrow night.  I'll let you know the details later.  Right now, Logan and I have some very important issues to discuss," I replied.

"Ok," she said begrudgingly.

I hung up my phone and looked at Logan.  He had a concerned look on his face, wondering what I was thinking.  He had overheard my mom on the phone.  He let me sit there with his arm wrapped around me.  I knew, in that instant, that I didn't need to worry.  Things were going to be ok.  I don't expect anything to be perfect, but with Logan by my side, we will make it.

"Ace, what's going on in that head of yours?" Logan broke the silence.

I look at him and I don't know what to say.  I'm not sure how to get my point across to Lorelai.  Logan and I are going to be together.  I have to go with my intuition in this situation.  Logan is stepping up and taking over the family business.  Mitchum is behind this.....marginally.  At this point, something is better than nothing!  I know Honor will be thrilled.  She's the only one who has been kind to me.  All of this may not be easy, it's the road we have to travel.


Logan can see the wheels in my head, still turning.  I don't want to raise this baby alone.  I know I would have my mom and Luke, but I need more.  I have more, right here in front of me.  I look into Logan's eyes and the feelings subside.  I feel the calm wash over me, like the waves on the beach at Martha's Vineyard.  I come back to reality.

"Logan, we need to figure things out.  Then we can face our families.  As you heard, we are having dinner with my mom and Luke tomorrow."

"Things are going to move a little faster than I had originally planned, but I'm perfectly happy with an expedited plan.  I had planned on proposing before I found out you were expecting," he said.

"I'd like something small and intimate, if you don't mind.  I want to keep this low key," I stated.

"I'm fully amenable to that, Ace.  I've never been a fan of the grandiose weddings," he replied.

We talked for what seemed like hours.  We hashed through idea after idea, every one bringing us one step closer.  The only thing we disagreed on was the location of the wedding.  Logan wanted Vegas, but I wanted Stars Hollow.  We finally agreed to hold it at my grandparents' house in Hartford.  Grandma hasn't sold the house yet and would be thrilled to host it.  Although, she won't be happy about the pregnancy, she'll be happy about the marriage (and doing what's right, in her book).  We set up dinner for tomorrow evening and turned in for the night.  Today has been exhausting.  I crawl into bed next to Logan.  He wraps his arms around me and it's as if I never left.  I forgot how perfectly our bodies fit together.  I drift off to sleep quicker than I have in weeks.

I wake up the next morning to the wonderful aroma of coffee, fully caffeinated coffee.  Just as I started to get up, Logan walks in with a tray.  It has pancakes, sausage, eggs, bacon and the wonderful, sweet nectar known as coffee.  He sets the tray in front of me.

"Eat up, Ace!"

"Logan, this looks and smells wonderful, especially the coffee!  You are the best!"

Logan leaned down for a kiss.  "You'll need your energy!  We've got a big day ahead of us."

"A big day?" I asked.

"Well, this apartment has only one room.  We are going to need to find something bigger.  We may as well work on that now.  I thought we could go see a few places this afternoon.  Then, tonight, we've got the big dinner-"

"With my mom and Luke.  Don't remind me.  I guess I hadn't even noticed there was only one bedroom here.  I was definitely distracted yesterday," I replied.

"I need to go into the office for a couple hours to check in on things.  Relax.  This is your home now.  I'll be back around 1, is that ok?"

"Wow, I guess I do live here now.  Actually, I have to do some work for the Gazette this morning.  This works out perfectly.  Don't forget to send the car to pick up mom and Luke.  He hates driving in the city.  I love you, Logan.  Thank you for being so wonderful!"

"I love you too, Ace!"  He replied as he kissed me on the cheek.  I watch him exit the bedroom and hear the front door close on his way out.  How did I get so lucky?  It's all still so dreamlike.  Just a few months ago, I was flailing and failing.  Now, I feel like I'm flying and soaring.  I have stability, which is something I would have never associated with Logan Huntzberger when I first met him.  Yet, here we are.  He is my rock.  I need to get to work on the Gazette.

Before I knew it, it was nearly 1 and I hadn't even showered.  I save my work on my laptop and hop into the shower.

"Ace?"  Logan paused for a moment.  "Hello?"  He calls out a second time.

I hear a faint, familiar voice.  "Logan, I'm in the bathroom," I call out to him.  It's at that very moment, I realize I have no clue where he keeps the towels and am suddenly very aware of my naked, wet body.  "Ummm......could you grab me a towel, please?"

Logan comes into the bathroom with two towels.  He lingers for a moment.  He leaves with room after sensing my sudden modesty.  While I'm as comfortable with him as I ever was, I'm unexpectedly aware of my body.  I'm going to get enormous.  I think back to Sherry being pregnant with GG.  How in the world am I supposed to do that?  I don't want to get as big as a house!  Then I start thinking about the story my mom used to tell me every year on my birthday.  She likened giving birth to doing the splits on a crate of dynamite.  I hadn't even noticed Logan coming up behind me.  I jumped when he slid his arms around my waist from behind.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"I've just been thinking about how the baby will change my body," I replied and proceeded to tell him the story my mom told me every year about her experience giving birth to me.  Logan chuckled and smiled that sweet smile that melts my soul.

"Your mother is quite a remarkable woman and I know there's a lot of her in you.  I can see it with every passing day.  We'll deal with those things one day at a time.  This all seems like too much to take in, but it's not.  You've got this, Ace!  I'll be with you every step of the way.  You have more strength than you'll ever know.  Remember, you don't need saving!  I know you and you'll do great!"  He said as he held me tighter, gently kissing my neck.  "Now, we need to get you ready.  We are meeting the realtor at 2."

We stood in the moment.  I wanted to drink in the details.  I wanted to remember exactly how this moment felt.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now