Chapter 14

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One minute I was kissing Logan, and the next everything went black.  I woke up on the floor with people surrounding me.  What had just happened?  I thought I was at the inn with Logan.  I've never passed out before, so what would bring this on?  And tonight of all nights?  My vision was blurry and I couldn't make out any of the faces, but I could feel Logan holding on my hand and caressing my cheek as I came back to reality.  It felt like I was in my wedding dress again.  Slowly, my eyes began to focus.  I could see the familiarity of my grandparents' house.

"Ace? Ace are you in there?"

I tried to form words, but nothing happened.  I stared at him blankly and moved my gaze around the crowd.  I wanted to say something.  Still the words wouldn't come out.  People started clearing from me.  I noticed the paramedics moving in my direction.  How long had I been out?  They started asking me questions.  I was unable to answer.  Fortunately, Logan took over for me.  With each passing moment, I felt as if I were returning to normal.  I felt a small prick in my arm as the paramedics started an IV.  I heard them saying something about me needing fluids.

"Wh....wha.....what happened?"  I stuttered, finally getting something out.  I could see the relief on Logan's face as I spoke.

"You passed out.  Now, don't worry, we'll get you checked out at the hospital," he replied.

The paramedics finished checking me out and began moving me for transport.  I heard them tell Logan they thought I was ok, but we were still going to the hospital as a precaution.  Logan still hadn't told me much about what actually happened.  He climbed into the back of the ambulance with me.

"I'm right here, Ace, and I won't leave you," he said to me as he held my hand.

"Logan, please tell me more about what happened," I begged of him.

"I'm not exactly sure.  We were kissing and then you fell to the ground.  I tried to rouse you to no avail.  You were breathing, but unresponsive.  You were muttering something, but it was inaudible.  At some point, your mom called 9-1-1.  I was so scared, Rory.  I didn't know what to do and I felt so helpless with you lying there," he explained.  "No, we are going to get you checked out....and the baby."

The baby....I had almost forgotten about being pregnant in the confusion.  I started to panic.  Logan must have seen the wave of anxiety wash over me because he softly stroked the side of my face, cradling my cheek in his palm.

"You're in great hands, Ace.  You and the baby will be just fine.  We'll confirm it at the hospital, ok?"

I nodded my head.  I didn't want to lose the baby.  I didn't have any pain, so I took that as a good sign.  Bit by bit, I was starting to feel better, too. 

It was a short ride to the hospital.  They wheeled me inside with Logan just behind.  I was put into a private room at Logan's request.  Neither of us wanted any extra attention brought to our situation.  I think it would just make it all the more stressful.  The paramedics took out the IV.  The fluids ran out just as they got me to my room.  Logan helped me out of my wedding dress very carefully, and into a lovely hospital gown.  I was thoroughly checked over again, including a blood sample.  They wanted to see if they could figure out why I had passed out.  I didn't feel anything unusual prior to blacking out.  The doctor also brought in the small ultrasound machine.  It was the same one they had used at our appointment about a week ago.  I was relieved to see it because it means we could get a peek to make sure the baby was fine.

Logan held my hand as the doctor moved the wand around to get a look at the baby.  The baby seemed to be moving and we could hear the heartbeat.  A few quick measurements and the doctor was done.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now