Chapter 3.5

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Did she really say yes to me?  Were my dreams finally coming true?  I had waited so long for this moment, and, now, it was my reality!  Our baby was just the cherry on top of the sundae!  My thoughts were interrupted by Rory's cell phone ringing.

"Hi, Mom," she said answering her phone.


"About that, I'm in New York....with Logan...." she paused.  "Mom?"


"No, Mom.  He's not engaged to her.  He's taking charge of his own life.  Mitchum is in the hospital after a massive heart attack.  They had a talk about Logan making his own decisions, and that included me.  Logan knows about the baby and we are getting married," she replied.


"Mom, let's not have this conversation over the phone.  I know what I'm getting into.  How about we all get together for dinner?  Let's plan for tomorrow night.  I'll let you know the details later.  Right now, Logan and I have some very important issues to discuss," she suggested.


Rory ended the call and looked at me.  I was a bit concerned.  Rory's end of the conversation didn't sound all that good, and it seemed that she hadn't told Lorelai all of the details.  I could make that much out, but I really only caught one end of the conversation.  I let her sit for a few minutes, keeping my arm around her shoulder, but curiosity got the better of me.

"Ace, what's going on in that head of yours?" I said, breaking the silence.

I try to read her, but it seems like she's off in her own world.  She must be very lost in her own thoughts.

"Ace?" I said, trying to bring her back to this realm.  Her blank expression suddenly shifts as she snaps back to reality.

"Logan, we need to figure things out.  Then we can face our families.  As you heard, we are having dinner with my mom and Luke tomorrow."

"Things are going to move a little faster than I had originally planned, but I'm perfectly happy with an expedited plan.  I had planned on proposing before I found out you were expecting," I stated.

"I'd like something small and intimate, if you don't mind.  I want to keep this low key," she said.

"I'm fully amenable to that, Ace.  I've never been a fan of the grandiose weddings," I replied.  In fact, I've pretty much despised them, but felt as if it were inevitable for me.  I've always loved the fact that, despite her complexity, she liked to keep things simple.  Rory didn't need a lot of pomp and circumstance.

I was relieved to be on the same page.  We discussed the details of the wedding, hashing through idea after idea, and talking for hours.  We hit a snag when it came to the venue.  I figured we could fly a few people to Vegas and do a little wedding out there.  I wasn't thinking one of the tacky chapels, but she was set against anywhere in Vegas.  I nixed the idea of doing it in Stars Hollow.  It was a charming town, but there were too many unknowns there.  I didn't want to talk about the possibility of paparazzi.  She didn't need that kind of stress.  Vegas is risky, too, but it's easier to hide in plain sight there.  Then Rory suggested hosting it at the Gilmores' home in Hartford.  It sounded like a perfect solution.  It was guaranteed to be significantly smaller and it's easily controlled.

This opened up a can of worms I had nearly forgotten about: Emily Gilmore, the reigning matriarch of the Gilmore clan.  I know she's always liked me, but I got her one and only grandchild pregnant...out of wedlock.  Rory wasn't sixteen, but she was still unwed at this point.  Hopefully, the expedited time table would appease her because she was someone I didn't want as an enemy, despite the fact Rory said she'd mellowed considerably.  I had no doubt, in my mind, that Emily was still a force to be reckoned with.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now