Chapter 8.5

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So far, I'd survived Luke and Lorelai.  I avoided the wrath of Emily, but tonight would be the true test.  Tonight, we faced my family for the first time as a couple.  I hadn't really talked to my mom about much of this, so she's a bit of a wild card.  She no longer had to follow Grandpa's lead, so she might be more amenable.  Surprisingly, Dad's been civil about my relationship with Rory.  After he admitted he actually liked her, he's been marginally receptive.  I'm sure he's got some hidden agenda, but for now, I'll take him as an ally, even if it's only half-assed.

I tried to hide my nerves from Rory.  I wanted to appear calm to keep her stress levels lower.  I think this may be more unpleasant for her than me, especially if it's anything like the last disaster of a dinner we had with my parents.  That night is still engraved in my memory like it happened yesterday.  It returns every time I'm at their house.  None of this stopped me from seeing Rory, so I don't know why it stopped me in recent years.  Maybe it was because the Vegas deal was her idea, and I went along with it because I was happier with her in my life, even if it was only sporadically.

I decided that we'd drive our car tonight instead of relying on the car service.  It was about having an escape plan in case things went horribly, as I'd envisioned.  Neither of us said much on the trip out there.  It wasn't an awkward silence.  For some reason, it was actually calming.  I pulled into the driveway and up to the house.  Here goes nothing, I think as I get out of the car.  I go around, open Rory's door, and help her out.

"Are you ready, Ace?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," she replied.

I took her hand, gave it a little squeeze, and led her into the house.  I looked around.  Somehow, the house seemed enormous, bigger than I ever remember.  Suddenly, there's a feeling in my stomach, twisting it in knots.

"Logan, where's your mom?" Rory whispered to me before we get too close to my family.

"Probably stress smoking somewhere.  She's been trying to hide it more since Dad came home from the hospital," I replied quietly.

"Logan, Rory, it's so nice to see you!" Honor said as she got up to give us each a hug.  Josh shakes my hand, and gave Ace a smiling nod.  Ever after all of these years, Josh is still nervous around my family.  We took a seat on the smaller couch.

"Hi, everyone," Rory said, smiling.

My father actually smiled back.  I couldn't tell if it was one of the infamous Mitchum smiles, or something genuine.  I don't think I've ever seen a genuine smile, so it's hard to discern.  I'm leaning toward the latter as I recall finding some of his college pictures from his Life and Death Brigade adventures.

"Rory, it's been too long since I've last seen you!  We hardly had a chance to chat when I saw you in London.  How did your meeting go with Conde Nast?  They would be lucky to have a talented writer like you on staff," Dad said.

What the hell was he doing?  Didn't he know how that meeting went, or was he actually interested in her career?  I most definitely did not want him to start cutting her down right here and now!  I could fee my blood starting to boil, thinking about him taking shots at her.  I managed to keep my cool, for the moment.

"The meeting went fine.  I've written a couple of spec pieces for them.  I'm actually working on a book," she replied confidently.

"A book?  Do you have a proposal worked up yet?  Have you talked to any publishing houses?  I could get you a meeting or two if you'd like," he offered.

This was the first time I'd heard him sound sincere, or was he simply resigned to the fact Rory was going to be a part of the family?  if that was the case, the offer was more about his reputation than any care for her career.  It was all about the family name.  The bright side is he's accepted the marriage, and that's a start.

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