Chapter 10

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Less than 24 hours until our wedding.  I couldn't believe that tomorrow I would become Logan's wife.  Everyone is here at my grandma's house in Hartford.  I have so many memories here, both good and bad.  I wanted to make the last one the happiest one yet!

I picked up Mom and Lane earlier today, on my way to Hartford.  Paris arrived in the late afternoon.  Robert, Colin, and Finn arrived shortly after her.  Logan met my grandmother early this morning for any last minute preparations.  Everything was under control.  It's been so long since I could say that! 

We decided that everyone should stay here tonight.  There was no sense in getting hotel rooms as this house could easily accommodate the small wedding party.  I also thought it would be more special to spend the evening with our closest friends.  We didn't need to have the usual rehearsal dinner, despite repeated requests from Grandma.  I finally convinced her we could handle this without the pomp and circumstance.  It was going to be simple and casual.

Everyone seemed to have a great time.  My mom set up a screen with a projector and we watched some Brat Pack classics: The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  There was much debate whether or not Ferris Bueller was considered a Brat Pack film.  We finally came to the consensus that it was since it was a John Hughes film.  Even the boys seemed to have a great time.  They made a drinking game.  I drank a lot of sparkling cider and everyone else was feeling the effects of the Founder's Day Punch my mom brought with from Stars Hollow.  I'm glad she planned ahead for some fun this evening. 

How was I going to sleep tonight?  Tomorrow is going to be the biggest day of my life, so far.  It might be easier if I could have a glass of Founder's Day Punch to calm my nerves, but that is definitely not a good idea for me.  Logan and I opted to sleep separately tonight.  Yes, it was a little old-fashioned for our modern relationship, but it felt right.  I may not be a superstitious person, but it's a sweet tradition.

I heard a knock on my door right before it opened.  Logan came into my room.  It was still decorated the same way Grandma had it years ago, including the boy band posters that adorned the walls.  I was never into it, but she tried!

"I couldn't go without seeing you tonight," Logan said thoughtfully.

He crossed over to the bed where I was sitting with a book in my hands.  I had been trying to read it, unsuccessfully.  There was no way I could have done any tap dancing to help clear my head and sleep.  Too many eyes and ears (and phones) here for that!  I don't need to become the latest viral video.  Logan took a seat on the bed next to me.  He puts his arm around without saying another word.  I let myself melt into him, closing my eyes and putting an arm across his chest.

We don't need to speak.  I felt my nerves calming, my eyes growing heavy.  Logan gently removed the book from my lap and kissed my temple.  He gave me a gentle squeeze and slipped off the bed.  I was mostly asleep when I felt him cover me with a blanket.

The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air, wafting up to my room.  I put on some casual clothes and went downstairs.  The smell grew stronger the closer I got to the dining room.  Everyone, except Finn, was sitting around the table.  I suspect it had something to do with the fact there was light.  There was a dull roar of conversation, clanking of silverware on plates and glasses being set on the table.  The aroma called to my stomach and I was suddenly filled with hunger.  I filled my plate and grabbed a cup of coffee.  I opted for an empty seat next to Logan.  I didn't think I could handle Paris this early in the morning, at least not before coffee!

"Thank you," I whispered to him.

"For what?" he replied with a sweet smile.  "I know this is all exciting and scary at the same time.  We are about to embark on a journey that's new for both of us.  It's going to be fun, thrilling and a lot of work, but it's worth it.  YOU are worth it!  I've been wanting this since I met you.  You are the first person, the only person I have ever truly loved.  I couldn't see myself with anyone but you!  I love you, Rory Gilmore!"

"I love you, too, Logan Huntzberger!"  I replied as I kissed him.  I knew it was more than a coincidence that we found each other again after we broke up on my graduation day at Yale.  I didn't want it to end that day, but I needed to make it on my own, choose my own adventure.  Now, my next adventure was about to begin.

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now