Chapter 20.5

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"Finn!" Rory replied, breaking away from me and making her way to give Finn a hug.  Of my three best friends, she had a special connection with him.  I think she thinks of him as the brother she never had.

"Of course she's running to him first since she likes him better," Colin lamented.

"The female sex is certainly particular and strange," Robert ascertained.

"Colin!  Robert!" she said giving them each a hug.  "What are you guys doing here?" she paused to look at me.  "Logan, is this what you were plotting?"

"Guilty, as charged!" I replied with a big goofy grin on my face.  I couldn't contain my happiness.  "The guys were already in town for the weekend, and after the strange day we had, I knew we could use a little Life and Death Brigade fun."

I grabbed her hand and led the way.  We walked briskly to the base of the Eiffel Tower.  We stopped near one of the elevator entrances.  Colin walked up to the ticketing window.  The expression on Rory's face was one of confusion, which was understandable since the tower was closed to the general public.  I think she forgot who she was dealing with in this instance.  A few minutes later, he returned.

"Let's go," he said motioning us toward the elevator entrance.

The attendant came out and opened it for us.

"Please don't tell me you bought the Eiffel Tower, Colin!" she remarked.

"I wonder how much it would cost...." he said jokingly.

"Seriously?!" she asked in disbelief.

"They don't generally sell national monuments, especially to foreigners," he replied with a slight disdain in his voice.  "And not for lack of trying."

"After you, Darling," Finn said, motioning to the open lift door.

I placed my hand on the small of her back, guiding her into the elevator car.  The guys followed us and the door closed.  As we ascended, we watched the city get smaller under our feet.  I felt my stomach do a little flip as we rose higher and higher.  Heights have never been my favorite thing, but the Eiffel Tower had some of the most amazing views of Paris.

The elevator stopped on the first of three levels.  We excited and I watch Rory move to the observation deck.  No matter how high the building in NYC, it's never like this.  The air is crisp and cool, allowing you to see your breath without taking it away.  It reminded me of brisk fall nights in New England.

"It's not as beautiful as you, Ace," I said, sneaking up behind her and whispering in her ear.  "Come with me."

I took her hand and led her to the restaurant that appeared closed, but I knew better.  As we approached, the lights went on inside and the door opened.  Colin gestured for us to go inside.

"Your table awaits," he said.

"Oh, but we just ate a little while ago," she explained.

"I realized we hadn't gotten any dessert.  I figured you and little ace might be up for something sweet," I replied knowingly.

"You know me too well, Logan!  What's on the menu?"

"Anything your little heart desires," I replied with a smile.  I've always wanted to give her everything and spoil her, and she's never had any expectation for it.  I could have given her basic store bought cookies instead of a gourmet cheesecake and she's love me the same either way.

A waiter brought our desserts.  The guys, as usual, were flirting with the restaurant staff.  One of these days, they'll be in the same boat as me.  Hopefully, they don't have to take the same road Rory and I did, but, at least, one of them will settle down with the rest following suit.

"What time is it?" Robert asked from across the room.

"Time to go, boys," I replied.

The guys left their amours, and we headed to the door.  We rode back down, and I let out a silent sigh of relief as we safely landed on the ground.  I led the way toward the Seine River.  Rory didn't seem to have any idea what was going to happen next, and I loved keeping her in suspense.  I relished the fact that my friends would go to the ends of the Earth for her and not think twice.  By the time we were at the bottom of the stairs near the river, Rory was looking in all directions for any clues leading to the next part of our adventure.  A couple resembling Gene Kelly and Leslie Caron seemed to appear out of thin air.  Music began playing, and they recreated the dance from An American in Paris.  I watched Rory as she looked on in awe.  Neither of us was a terribly good dance, and it was a mutually agreed fact.  When the song ended, the couple vanished just as they'd appeared.  The small boat had finally caught her attention.

"My dear, this is where we leave you and your prince for the night," Finn said, slightly bowing his head.

"The boat is equipped with a captain and a guide," Colin stated.  "Don't worry, I didn't buy this one."

"But they were paid handsomely," Robert added.

As the guys disappeared, we boarded the small, glass-enclosed craft.  We set sail on the Seine.  The city provided a delicately lit, romantic backdrop for our cruise.  I've always loved Paris at night, and being with Rory has made me love it even more.  The soft voice of our guide pointed out the sights along the ride.  We turned around at Notre Dame Cathedral, doing a full trip around the stunning church with its flying buttresses accenting the nave section of the building.

The ride was smooth and relaxing.  We ended near where began by the Eiffel Tower, as planned.  We walked back to the hotel.  The temperature had begun to drop, which made Rory cuddle closer to me on the walk.  I didn't mind in the least.  It was comforting to have her by my side.  Fortunately, I had predicted something like this would happen, so I arranged to have the room readied for our return, including a fire in the fireplace.

Once we were in the suite, we felt the blast of warmth.  Rory immediately headed toward the bedroom to find something warm and comfortable to put on.  It was pretty late, so we'd be heading to bed shortly.  I locked the door behind us and checked my phone before going into the bedroom.  There was a message from my mother.

Mom: I'd like for you to meet with me and Odette tomorrow.  I know it's late, but this matter is urgent, and needs to be discussed in person.  Let me know what time works for you.

Was she kidding with this?  What could be so damn important she has to drag me away from my honeymoon to meet with her and my ex?  Sometimes, I can't believe she's been a society wife for nearly forty years, yet seems to have no sense of tact and decorum!  My father was right earlier when he said she doesn't always think of the consequences of her actions.  Holy shit!  Did I just think that my dad was right about something?  I must be really losing it!  I thought.

"Oh, my god!" I said as I walked into the very warm bedroom.

"What?  What is it, Logan?"

"Wow!  I cannot believe the nerve of my mother."

"Did you find out what she was doing with Odette?"

"No, but she wants me to meet them tomorrow," I replied quietly.

"Them?" she asked.

"Yes.  Her and......Odette...."

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now