Chapter 2

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As the car approaches Logan's building, I began to feel the pangs of fear and anxiety.  He'll take one look at me and see the glow!  What will he do?  How will he react?  I want to tell the driver to take me back to Stars Hollow.  I feel like a child who wants her blankie for safety.  I'm nearly thirty-three years old!  I need to go see Logan.  By the time I muster the courage to get out of the car, my door is already open and there's a hand extended.  I touch the hand without seeing the owner, but I know it is Logan's.  He ushers me quickly inside and up to his apartment.  Once inside, he draws me near and looks into my eyes.  Our lips gently press together.  After a moment, he draws back, still looking at me.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Ace?"

"Why do you ask?" I replied, coyly.

"You can't hide it.  I know.  You have always been beautiful and now you're glowing," he professed.

"Huntzberger, you never cease to amaze me!"  I said, feeling the weight lift from my shoulders.  I didn't even have to say anything and he knew.  I'm relieved of the burden of this secret.

"I'm going out on a limb here, but I'd guess you are about 6 weeks along," he said.

"" I said, finding myself at a loss for words.  I was stunned, but I had predicted he would take one look and know.  I took a moment to gather myself from this surreal moment.

"Do I have to ask?"

"No," I replied.  "It's yours.  Ours."

"I kept having this nagging feeling that something was different.  Something told me to go to you, but I couldn't.  I was deeply entrenched in this dynastic plan.  My god, Rory!  I nearly married her!  The clock was ticking down and then I got a call saying my father was in the hospital after a massive heart attack.  I knew, at that moment, that life was too precious to throw everything I love out the window for some business plan my father had concocted.  I couldn't live my life without you, and now the baby!  I took my father's heart attack as a sign, a sign I needed to be true to myself!  I was so unhappy and found myself going to a dark place.  Through the dark, I had found my light and you are that light, Rory!  I love you!"

He pulled me close, wrapping an arm around my waist.  His other hand settled on my cheek, wrapping around to my neck, pulling me toward him.  Logan kissed me with such passion and an intensity that made everything feel like a dream.  The kiss made me forget about every worry I had about the baby, about us.  It was the most amazing kiss I had ever felt.  When the kiss ended, I let myself fall against his body, wrapping my arms around him.  He held me so tightly and yet it was gentle.  I didn't want this feeling to end.

"Logan," I said.

"Yeah, Ace?"

"I love you," I said in almost a whisper.

"I love you too, Ace," he responded.

After a few more minutes in each other's arms, we moved to the living room.  I knew that the moment couldn't last forever and we had to get back to reality.  It felt like the last night we spent together, only this time, I didn't have that sinking feeling of having to leave.  This time, it would not end.

"Can I get you something to drink?"

"You have to ask what I want to drink?  Don't you remember who you're talking to?"

"Ace, you're having a baby!  Don't tell me you've been drinking coffee like before!" He replied.

"Logan, I haven't had any coffee today, or much of anything for that matter.  Morning sickness is no joke!  It reminds me of drinking too much Founder's Day Punch!  Right now, I don't feel any of that, so I'd like some coffee!" I retorted, smiling at him.

It was almost as if Logan took away the sickness, at least for the moment.  He put me at ease and make me feel safe, like the blankie I wanted earlier.  He had this calming effect on me, something I desperately needed right now.  This baby was turning my life upside-down.  I had no idea what I was going to do, where I was going to live, or where life would go.  For the last 8 years, this didn't scare me because it was just ME.  Now, there's someone else to consider and I'm terrified.  I don't know how to be responsible for someone else.  Then I look back at Logan who is bringing me a large cup of coffee and the fear melts away.  A gentle smile broadens across his face, touching my heart, my soul.  I feel myself reciprocating as I reach for the coffee.  I take a deep breath in as I bring the cup to my mouth.  "Decaf.  You gave me decaf!  The nose knows, Huntzberger!"

"Ace," he laughed.  "I guess they are right about pregnancy increasing your sense of smell."

"I've had this ability my whole life!  Did you forget who my mother is?" I responded, jokingly.

"Maybe you can get used to it, or it will be a long 8 months for you, Ace!" He replied.

"I suppose you're right.  Decaf is better than no coffee," I said.

"I guess we should figure out our next step.  I love you, Rory.  I don't want to live my life without you.  I've already talked to Mitchum.  Although he doesn't like that I broke his precious business deal, he has softened a bit.  Who knew he even had the heart to have a heart attack?  He told me, he'd respect my decision.  He actually admitted he liked you.  Maybe not as much as he liked the business deal, but it's a beginning.  Mom is still checked into some spa.  She has no idea about the ended engagement.  I doubt she'll hold much leverage since Grandpa isn't here to back her up," he paused.  "I guess what I'm trying to say is I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  I've known since the day I met you that you were special.  Rory, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on earth?"

For the second time in one day, I'm speechless.  I hadn't even noticed he was down on one knee with a ring box open in front of me.  I feel the tears welling up in my eyes, happiness overwhelming me so much I can't speak.  I nod my head in agreement and he takes the coffee cup from my hands and wraps his arms around me.

"Don't cry," he says as he wipes the tears from my cheeks.

"You make me so happy, Logan!"

Reflecting their own light: Rory and LoganWhere stories live. Discover now