Part 1

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Lucy's POV:

Hot tears stream down my face as I sit on the couch with my knees tucked up to my chest, waiting. I still can't believe he's actually going. I always knew he would, but I never thought it'd be this soon. Of course, I'm happy for him. He's following his dream and I know he'll make it. He's amazing, I hear him sing all the time and he truly loves it and is so good at it that I'm afraid I'll lose him to the monster that is show business. I'm going to miss him like crazy...

The doorbell wakes me from my deep thoughts. I clumsily wipe away the tears on my cheeks with the back of my hand as I stand and walk over to the door, knowing who will be revealed when it swings open. Harry. His curls fall onto his forehead as he looks up at me to meet my brown eyes. His green ones immediately fill with concern.

"Lucy, have you been crying?" he asks, worry clear in his voice. I know he can tell that I have, in fact, been crying so I just nod and give him a sad smile. He returns it and opens his arms. I don't hesitate to walk into them and bury my face in his neck. Before I know it I'm sobbing, my body shaking as he tries to comfort me.

"Shhh, shhh, Luce its alright," he speaks shakily. Wait, is he...I pull away and find him to have tears threatening to escape out of the corners of his eyes. He smiles at me, giving them the final push they need to squeeze out and roll down his cheeks. "I probably won't even make it on the show, I mean, what are the chances? I'll just come right back," he says uncertainly. 

"Haz, don't talk like that. You're bloody fantastic, you really are. I have faith that you'll make it far. And as much as I'll miss you, I'm really hoping you do," I tell him and he grins.

"Just promise me that you won't forget about me?" I ask, my voice much softer. I look down at my shoes.

"I promise Lucy, I could never forget you. You're my best friend," he says, tilting my chin up to look him in the eye. I give him a small smile which he returns.

"So what time are you leaving?" I ask him and he frowns.

"Uhh around 2:30, Mum's picking me up here," he answers. I spin around to check the clock in the kitchen. My heart sinks when I read the time; 2:17. I turn back around to face Harry, tears burning in my eyes, but I blink them back. This is a good thing, I tell myself.

"So soon?" I ask, playfully poking him in the stomach trying to lighten the mood. He chuckles and wraps his arms around me once more before placing a quick kiss on my hair. 

"I'll miss you so much Lucy," he whispers. I don't trust myself to speak so I just nod. I know he understands, he knows me better than anyone. Just then, his mum pulls up in my driveway with Gemma in the passenger seat. 

"Hi Lucy!" they both yell through the open window. I smile and wave at them and give Harry a little shove down the steps. 

"Bye Luce," he says and turns away to walk toward the car. I walk towards the door of my house and when I peek over my shoulder to check, his car is out of sight.


 "Beeeep beeep beeeep beeeep!"

"Ugh, already?" I groan, rolling out of bed and smacking my alarm clock in one swift motion. I yawn and stumble over to the other bed where my roommate, Jess is snoring loudly. 

"Jess, get up. Finals today, remember?" I say, roughly shaking her sleeping body. I've learned there's  no easy way to wake this girl. She groans loudly and pulls the blanket over her to hide her mess of blonde hair and blue eyes. I sigh and walk toward the bathroom of our little dorm. I close the door and lock it, then turn on the hot water in the shower.

As I undress, I start to think about him again, like I often catch myself doing. The day he left for the X-Factor he said he wouldn't forget me. I scoff at his empty promise to me as I step under the shower head, the hot water immediately relaxing my tense muscles.

Since that day, I haven't seen my 'best friend' once. Well, that's not true. I actually see him everywhere. Posters, magazines, movies, TV shows, social media sites, literally everywhere. Even Jess has a cardboard cutout of him. I actually find it quite creepy and it often scares me.

I chuckle to myself as I remember the time I attacked the cardboard figure thinking it was a robber. I'm laughing a little too much and end up missing my hand with the conditioner and it splats on the tiled floor of the shower. Whoops.

Anyway, I guess I'm happy for Harry. I mean he's in the world's biggest boyband. That's a dream come true for him. I just wish he would try to contact me instead of ignoring me for the past 2 1/2 years. I give my head a little shake to clear it. It's been 2 1/2 years. 

Exactly, Lucy. You shouldn't be still thinking about him. I mentally agree with myself and grab the nearest towel to wrap around my body as I step out of the bathroom and see Jess up and getting dressed. 

"Thank god you're up, you could've made us late on exam day!" I exclaim, throwing a dirty sock at her. She laughs and mutters something under her breath. I don't quite catch it but I think I hear the word 'nerd'. I chuckle lightly and start to get dressed.

I'll be sitting for quite a while so I want to be comfortable. I choose some black leggings and a grey and white fair-isle oversized sweater. I pair the outfit with my cherry red Doc Martins and grey socks with an orange rim poking out to show above the boots.

Satisfied, I walk back to the bathroom and apply some mascara and a touch of eye-shadow before dragging a brush through my hair and drying it. I decide to just leave it down. My light brown hair is super straight and goes down to the top of my bum. I take a section of the front and twist it then pin it back. 

"Jess, I'm ready!" I shout from the bathroom. I hear scuffling for a minute before I hear her voice coming from the other side of the door.

"Alright, me too!"

I walk out and see her standing there wearing light skinny jeans, short UGGs, and a red and white baseball tee. Her chin-length blonde hair falls around her face, framing it.

We are basically polar opposites, in terms of looks. My long brown hair, her short blonde locks. I have brown eyes flecked with green and hers are electric blue. She is short, I am fairly tall. But despite our shockingly different appearances, Jess and I get along quite well. She is funny and rebellious, a trait that has rubbed off a little on me since I became her room mate. I like it though, it was boring being a goody-two-shoes. 

Jess reminds me of my sister, Natasha in that way, with the rebellious spark she possesses. Thinking about Natasha sends waves of sorrow through me, so I force myself to focus on the carpeted floor, counting the colors I see. I'm on the eighth when Jess calls my name to bring me out of my daze.

She's used to me spacing out because I do it whenever something reminds me of my mother or sister, which is almost always daily. In my opinion, counting colors on the carpet is better than counting the tears that land on it. 

I check my hair, adjust my sweater, and pull on a simple black rain coat before walking towards the door.

"Okay, then let's go," I say. She shrugs on a tan leather jacket and follows me outside to my car. 

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