Chapter 7- Crucio.

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As we leave the Great Hall, hand in hand with our friends chattering away happily, a cold hand grabs my wrist and pulls me into a broom closet. The hand, and stench, is unhappily familiar. 

"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU? And why have you brought me into a broom cupboard? In case you haven't noticed, I have a boyfriend. " I say, trying to bring courage to my words. He steps out into the light. Severus. "Lily, Lils-" " You have no right to call me that, Severus. Only my friends can call me that." I whisper. "I'm sorry." " Save your breath." " I'm sorry!" "I'm not interested." 

"Please Evans. I'm trying to help you.  You can't date Potter, he's just going to hurt you!" "You can't possibly be worried about me getting hurt, when you called me a Mudblood, Snivelluos! I say, venom dripping my every word. "You think, just because you hate James Potter, doesn't mean I have too. People change, Sev. Good and bad ways. And well, you and James are two examples of those 2 paths." I start saying but my voice lowers to a whisper. James, James where are you? "Fine. I guess we should start the hard way." he said, hunger flickering in his eye as he moved closer to me. 

" I'm not kissing you, Severus." I say, this time forcing bravery to my words. "Crucio." He whispers. My body wracks with pain, it's like every inch of it was on fire. I bite my lip so hard I taste blood. I wouldn't scream. I couldn't scream. Suddenly, I collapse on the floor, his face looming over me . He presses his cold awful slobbery lips to mine, and I nearly vomit. He continues, trying to move his hands up my shirt as I slap him across the face " WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN WAS THAT?" I shriek, pushing him off of me. "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND YOU GIT!" " Yeah, well it's James Potter. He has plenty of other birds to play with.  That awful gingery glint came back to his eye. Okay, he was insane.  He started moving in for more, but me being muggleborn, slap him across the face instead of using my wand. 

" Bloody hell! What was that for?" he said. " Crucio." he says, and the numbing pain consumes me again. " That was for dating James bloody Potter." He snarls, moving closer to me. I hear footsteps and Blacks loud voice. SAVED! " You mean this all has something to do with JAMES POTTER?" I shriek, making sure his name is as loud as I can possibly make it. They burst in and I can see them taking in the situation. Snape positioned above me curled up in a corner, sobbing.  For a moment, they hesitate and my heart stops.  Sirius picks Snape up by the collar and shoves him up against the wall. " You think you can do something like this to our Lily flower and get away with it?" He snarls. I've never seen him so mad before.

" No one deserves to be abused, and certainly not Lily." He punches Snape in the face. James scoops me up and holds me stroking my hair. I cry into his shirt, soaking it. He strokes my hair out of my hair and turns to Snivellous. " If I ever, EVER,  catch you trying to pull something like that ever again, you will personally be dead. You will never, ever make Lily cry again." James says menacingly. I've never seen him so mad before. Snape scampered out and we follow him after James puts me down. I hug him a whisper "Thank yo-" 

" SECTUMPEMPRA." I slide out of his warm arms and feel cold as I hit the hard floor. I feel blood under me and pain wracks my body.

 The world goes black.

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