Chapter 20- Lonely Dormitoires

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"And this, Miss Evans, is the head dormitory."

Professed McGonagall shows me into the room, and I collapse on the couch, exhausted on having to explain to person after person where James was. As, he still hasn't returned. She sits down on the arm rest next to me. "Are you alright, Lily?" She says, a surprisingly gentle tone to her voice that sends my tears flooding. "Now now, sweetheart," she says, dabbing my tears with a handkerchief, "Tell me what's on your mind." 

"I'm just so worried about everyone. I'm worried about James and Rosie, and I'm worried about Sirius because he seems so lost without James, and Remus because of his upcoming transformations, and Peter because I can tell he feels so worthless all the time and I'm worried for Mrs. Potter because on top of everything she's so worried about Sirius cause he's so out of sorts, and on top of all that I have to organize a bloody ball, by myself, along with duties meant for two people." I say, blubbering like an idiot. I wipe my tears, and straighten up. "Sorry for blubbering, Professor. It all caught up too me quite quickly, I'm sure I'll be alright in a minute.

"Lily, it's quite alright. With all this reckless hate, along with Mr Potters disappearance, we all could use some reassurance sometime. You should not be hated for who loves you, remember that. If you ever need, Ms Evans, my door is always open." She says, raising and walking towards the portrait hole. "Professer, do you ever have any kids?" I ask suddenly, struck by curiosity. She stops in her tracks. She pauses before turning back around to face me. 

"I never had children, Lily, but that doesn't mean I wasn't a mother." With that, she walks out. I'm left to ponder over that statement, and trudge upstairs to the staircase that has a plaque with the name Lily in it. The room is quite grand and I can wave my wand and arrange it to look like any way I would like. I gasp. The walls, currently, is a montage of moving pictures of me, my friends, and me and James. I slowly walk over to the wall, and place my fingertips on the James on the wall. A lone tear slips down my cheek. Some of these pictures I never even knew were taken. I laugh through my tears, and smile at the fond memories. I slip into bed with dreamless sleep.


"Hello everyone! And welcome, first years. I'm Lily Evans, Head Girl this year. We are hosting a Welcome Ball, to be held on September 19th. Currently, it's September 10th. Classes start today. The next Hogsmeade visit is tomorrow, so all ladies will be able to get dresses. The ball will be welcome to 5-7th years only. Thank you."

I sigh, and sit back down, ringing my hands. The chatter has broken out throughout the great hall once more, and I sigh again. Everyone except me, and would have been James, starts class today. I have the next week off to plan the Ball. This is so hard to do without James. It's now been a month since I last heard of him. Most have given up hope.


The Great Hall doors push open, and everyone cranes their heads to see who it is. Those doors are never opened, they lead straight to outside. A certain messy haired boy steps into the light, a pleading look in his eyes, and biting his bottom lips. As they're on the opposite side of the Hall, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. "James?" I whisper. "James!" I say louder and his eyes meet mine.

It really is him.

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