Chapter 39- Expecto Patronum

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Lily POV

After I wake up and meet the rest of my friends in the Great Hall, we go to Professer Selwyns classroom first period- which we normally would have free. "I wonder what my Patronus will be!" Mary says excitedly, hand in hand with Remus as we walk down the hallway. I look at James who's next to me. "You guys already know your Patronus, because of the whole Remus thing, right?" Bella rolls her eyes. "Yes, and they're refusing to tell anyone." Sirius waggles his eyebrows. "That's for us to know and you to find out." Everyone laughs. We arrive at Selwyns classroom. Professor Selwyn is a tall, fair skinned professor. She has red hair that's curly, but she keeps it short. Her eyes are blue and she has a light layer of freckles. Her cheekbones are lightly defined, and she's very nice but very reserved. When she teaches, she's one of those teachers who can effortlessly keep a class silent. Sirius knocks on the door. 

"Come in." She calls. When we walk in, we find her sitting at a desk, grading papers. She looks up and smiles. "My Gryffindors! Lovely. Come, sit." We sit in the desks closer to hers. She takes off her glasses, and rests them on the desk, walking around to face us. "I've invited you here for the art of Patronuses, as you probably already know. These charms are very difficult to produce, and many fully educated wizards and witches cannot preform them. To do so, you must find the most positive memory in your mind, the happiest one, and repeat after me, now- expecto patronum. Good. Take a minute, now, and find the happiest memory. For the charm to successfully work, I might add, it MUST be a very powerful memory." She waves her wand, and the directions appear on the board, and she gives us a minute to ponder that. I have absolutely no idea which memory in my mind would be powerful enough to produce a Patronus. 

The boys already have theirs, and I have to say, I'm interested to find out what mine is, and what theirs are. I know they're a stag, dog, and wolf, I just don't know which ones which. "Now, the form of your Patronus will only be discovered when you successfully form a corpeal Patronus. There is no way for me to know this now, or for anyone to know before hand. If your Patronus is compatible with someone else, for example, a lion and a lioness. That would mean they're soulmates. This can work with any animal." She looks around and her eyes land on the Marauders. "Now, if anyone had the desire to become an Animagus at any point in their lives, which is nearly impossible in it of itself, your Patronus is the form you take as an Animagus. Not that any of you would know that, of course, because it's illegal." She said, a small smile on her face. They all freeze, and the fear on their faces is so present I almost feel bad for them.


She moves on. "I'll leave you to it, because theres nothing I can really do from here on now." She glances at her watch. "In about 10 minutes, I'll expect you all to show me your progress." She sits back down at her desk, waving her wand so the student desks are pushed up against the wall.  We look at each other. I pull out my wand and step into the middle of the room. The rest of them form a circle. "You want to take turns, so we don't wear each other out?" Sirius suggests. We nod. I close my eyes and start to rack my brain for a memory. The day I got my Hogwarts letter? No, because then Petunia started hating me. When I met Marlene?

Oh, I miss Marlene so much! I haven't written to her in forever. I have to write soon. I make a mental note of that, and then continue to rack my brain for a memory. I work my way up the memories of my years at Hogwarts, day after day, class after class. My mind stopped at the day when James & I started dating. I was happy that day, for sure. So, so, very happy. But I'm not sure that it's strong enough. The day I told my friends we were dating pops up into my mind. 

3rd year. Yes, that's the one. It was my first date to Hogsmeade with a boy, and he stood me up. I was waiting, heartbroken, at the entrance, when James found me. He was cocky and arrogant as always, and I hated him as much as can be.  He chased me around Hogsmeade, and corned me in Three Broomsticks. He bought me a drink, and we physically talked for hours on end. It was the first time I actually looked at him as a person, and not an arrogant git. After that day, we pretended like noting happened, but it was always there in the corner of my mind. After that, the feelings slowly started to surface. The Bludger attack at the Qudditch game, that one day in Charms class. All added up to this. I open my eyes. "Ready." I say, and slowly everyone else opens their eyes and nods. I raise my wand. 

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