Chapter 46- Birthday Boy

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GUYS !!!  i uploaded a sirius black fanficcccc

it's called {irreplaceable} and i would love if you checked it out :)

Lily POV

"SUPRISE!" I flip the lights on as Sirius stands in the Head's common room, shocked. Bella's standing next to him, laughing. "Do you like it?" She asks, biting her lip. He looks at her, a wondrous expression on his face. "I love you." He said, hugging her and twirling her around. He envelops her in a kiss, and the girls in the crowd sigh. The guys, however, hoot and holler. "Black, getting the girl!" They yell. He spies James & I against the back wall. He runs over, and grabs me in a hug. "Thanks, Lils." I hug him back. "No problem. Happy birthday, Birthday Boy." He and James do that weird brotherly hug, and Bella grabs the crown. She runs over to him and places it on his head, lopsided. He grabs a bottle of Firewhiskey, and jumps on the couch. He downs half of it in one go, and I roll my eyes. "Well, that didn't take long." Remus says, coming over and standing next to me. "Nope, definitely not." He's clearly already drunk, and he sways as he jumps onto the table. 

"Do you guys know..... that I really love this girl right here?" He says, grabbing Bella's hand and holding it up. She laughs and blushes. "Like, no way guys! She's all mine, can you believe it!!!!" He makes her do a little twirl, and holds her close in a hug. "Okay birthday boy. Time to come down now." He pouts. "But they didn't see us snog yet." She rolls her eyes. "They'll see us snog later, okay?" He jumps off the table, and completely land on his butt. He collapses, spread-eagle, onto the floor. Bella leans down next to him. "You, are crazy." He smiles his lopsided smile. "You're really pretty. Like gorgeous. Like, princess beautiful. Like, Aphrodite beautiful-" She cuts him off with a sigh, and looks up at me. "Well, at least I know he really likes me, right?" I snort. "Really like? Try completely in love with you, Bells." She grins. "That was the plan." 

Sirius spies James behind me. "GUYS!" He slurs, stumbling over to James. "This is my BROTHER." He says, leaning on James, who's already smiling. "James Potter, is my brother. He's my VERY best FRIEND. Prongs is my BEST FRIEND." He slurs, patting James on the cheek. "Prongs, why don't you have some of this? It's really good. Like, REALLY good." He hands James the bottle of fire whiskey, and looks at me. I flop onto the couch. "If you want to, go ahead. I'm not gonna take care of you when you have a wicked hangover." I say, and James grins. He chugs the rest of the bottle. I look around from Remus, and find him on the staircase. He's holding my muggle recorder, and is recording Sirius and James, who are both already drunk. He holds a finger to his lips, grinning.

 "What's this for?" I whisper, standing behind him. "Blackmail. What else?" He says, and I nod. "Fantastic idea, Remus Edwards Lupin."  I pop in front of the camera. "Hey, whoever's watching this. My ridiculous boyfriend over there, James Fleamont Potter, is making a fool of himself with Sirius Orion Black The 3rd! It's Sirius's birthday party. 7th year, as well." I grab the camera and flip it around to Remus. "This is Remus Elizabeth Lupin. He is the person who had the wonderful idea to film this great moment." He sighs, and rolls his eyes. "Lily, how many times do I have to tell you, my name is Remus JOHN Lupin." I laugh, and the camera shakes. "I know that. I'm not stupid, it's just fun to annoy you." He grabs the camera, and flips it back towards me. "Why don't you tell the wonderful audience who YOU are." I smile, and flip my hair dramatically. "My name is Lily Marie Evans." Remus snorts. "Soon to be Potter." I blush. "Um, no." His eyes light up. "What if your future CHILD watches this?" I blush, and sigh. "We are not having any kids, Lupin. Absolutely not." Remus grins. "Oh come on! A little baby boy, with your eyes and James's hair..." He trails off, waggling his eyebrows. "What would be his name?" I sigh, exasperated. "I have no idea." James comes bounding over. 

"HARRY!" I furrow my brows. "Harry who?" He looks at me. "That's the boys name. His name will be Harry James Potter." I snort. "Bit full of yourself, hm?" James laughs, and points to the camera. "Hi MOOOOOOOONNNNNYYYY." He says, dragging Remus's name out. "Did you know," He slurs, "That Lily is my girlfriend?" Remus rolls his eyes and nods. "I love her. I LURVEEEEEEE her." HE says, looking at me. "Lilllllllllyyyyyyyyy, I love you." I blush. "I love you too James. How much did you have to drink?" I ask. He shrugs, acting like a child. "I don't know. All I know, Lilyflower, is that I am in love with you. Are you in love with me?" I laugh. "Yes James, I am in love with you." He grins. "Good." He turns to a guy in the corner who was watching us. "HEAR THAT, BOY IN THE CORNER? LILY IS MINE. MINNNNEEEEEE. NOT YOURS. SHE LIKES BOYS WHO DON'T HIDE IN CORNERS." He yells. I laugh, and make him look back at me. James looks at me. He gives me a kiss, and I kiss him back. Long enough for Remus to get uncomfortable. He clears his throat,and we jump apart. James looks around, and sees the camera. He looks at me for a moment, then walks close to the camera.

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