Chapter 53- Order Of The Phoenix

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Lily POV

"What you guys think Dumbledore wants to talk to us about?" James questions. We're all sitting at the stoop of Dumbledore's office- James, Bella, Sirius, Mary, Remus, Alice, Peter and I. Sirius shrugs and slips his hand inside Bella's. "I for one have scoured my brain, and the pranks I've pulled do not amount to expulsion." Alice snorts. "Now that we have the opinion of a pea sized brain, can the REST of us put together ours together to get a valid reason why we're here?" Sirius glares at her. "I have a perfectly normal sized brain, thank you very much!  And I happen to know that we've gone through the same education, and who was third in the class? Not you, me." Alice opens her mouth to retort.

"OKayyyyy, sit down you too." Bella interjects. James looks confused. "What happened that caused you guys to hate each other again?" Alice looks at James. "PEA brain here, decided that it would be okay to prank call Frank, pretending to be me, and break up with him." Our eyes widen and James winced. "That's a bit harsh, mate." Sirius looks explosive. "He called my hair girly! My hair is not 'GIRLY'!"  

Dumbledore appears at the door and we all quickly shut up. "Please, come in. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." We file inside his small office, squeezing up to each other. "Oh dear- if one of you- could you-" Dumbledore struggles to reach his desk. "SOMEONE PRESS THE RED BUTTON ON THE WALL." His voice rings out and everyone scrambles to find a button. Bella presses it and the room expands. "Thank you, Ms Riddle. I am allowed to call you this now, correct?" He looks at Bella from over his glasses. She sighs. "I hate that name." He looks at some papers on his desk. "I understand you are engaged to Mr. Black. If it's comfortable, I can prematurely make your name Black on the records." Bella looks at Sirius. He squeezes her hand. 

"The earlier the world knows you're mine the better." She turns back to Dumbledore. "Change my name to Bella while you're at it. I don't want any confusion." He nods. "Of course." Sirius wraps an arm around her and she leans in. "So." Dumbledore clasps his hands together on his desk. "You all must be wondering why I called you here today." We nod. Sirius raises a tentative hand. "Are we in trouble, sir?" He laughs. "No, no. Quite the opposite, actually." Sirius smirks and settles back into his chair with a smug look on his face. 

"You all have expressed exemplary honesty, courage, and judgement. I have selected a certain group of children in their final year of Hogwarts to join an organization that I have formed. You all are brave, talented, humble, and have a certain sprite of fire in your hearts to end this war of hate." Dumbledore pauses a moment and we can really see how tired he is. The twinkle in his eyes that we all grew to know so well is gone. James squeezes my hand tightly. "Miss Evans, I particularly urge you to join this organization specifically because of your blood heritage." Dumbledore says sadly. "What does her parents being Muggles have to do with anything?" James says hotly. Dumbledore looks at James with pain in his eyes. "To me, James, nothing. Nothing at all. But to Voldemort and his followers, it matters very much." I nod. 

"Whatever this is, I want to join. I want to put a stop on killing innocent people and reckless hate." Dumbledore almost smiles. "I was hoping you would say that." He reaches inside his desk drawer and pulls out a slip of paper. 

"I would like to personally invite each and every one of you in this room to join the Order of the Phoenix." 

He clears his throat and slips an empty piece of paper to the front of his desk with a quill. "I'll leave you all to think about this for a minute." We're all silent and stunned for a minute. All you can hear is the sound of breathing. "Are you guys gonna do it?" Peter's tentative voice rings out in the quiet room, and he fiddles with the edge of his sleeves. Remus sighs and stands up. 

"Guys, no matter what we want to think, this war is coming. It's happening, and it's happening fast. ALL of our lives are in danger, and we have no time for confusion or hesitation. Unless you plan on sitting around in someones basement for 10 years and wait it out, we should sign this. I want to fight. I want to make some sort of DIFFERENCE in this world. If I'm gonna die in this war, I'm gonna go down fighting." Sirius shrugs. "Nicely put, mate. I'm in." Bella nods profusely. "My dad's gonna kill me either way, so I figure let's make it easier for him to find me, right?" James squeezes my hand. "Do you want to do this?" I look at him. "I'm in if you're in." He nods and hands me the quill. 

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