Chapter 21- Lily has a secret admrier?!

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"No." Sirius whispered. 

I saw James run his hands through his hair. He looked terrible. His robes were tattered and dirty, and he had a giant scar wrapping from his collarbone all the way up to just under his eye. His glasses were hanging off one ear and it looked as if his hair hadn't been washed in weeks. A little figure poked her head out from behind James's figure. Rosie. She didn't look much better, but there was no scar and she was smiling. He spotted me. Sitting at the heads table alone.

 He gave me a small smile and head nod as if to say, sorry it took so long, but I'm here now. Just so James that it killed me and it still hasn't really set in that he's actually here. I can't contain myself any longer. I sprint down the aisle between the house tables, my robes billowing out from behind me. James starts to run towards me as well, and he's closer and getting closer to me. We grab each other in a bone crushing hug and he spins me around. We clutch each other like I'm afraid he'll slip out from underneath my fingertips. He pulls back and studys me. 

"You haven't been getting enough sleep." He says critically. I smash my lips against it. The fireworks I've been missing bloom beneath my eyes, beautiful colors of gold and silver. I run my fingers through his hair, and grab his face with my hands. We're in a backwards piggyback ride position now, and happy tears are streaming down my face. "You're here. You're actually here." "Yes love. I am." He starts tearing up too, and I pull him into a hug again. It feels so good to be back in his arms.  "They told me that you were gone. They told me that you were dead." 

He whispers to my ear through my ear. His hot breath runs down my neck and I shiver. His voice starts to shake. "They used the Unforgiveables  on me. I wouldn't let them hurt Rosie. I took double the pain. I saw horrible things, Lily. You... parents.....Peter... all dead." His voice breaks off. I run my hands on his shoulders, and say "Shush, James. We've together. We're alive."  Wolf whistles break into my thoughts. James lets medown and we turn to see Remus carrying Rosie down the aisle as Sirius sprints and grabs James into a hug as well. I'm close to them, so I'm the only one who hears Sirius.

"I thought I lost you all. I thought I would have to go back home."

I take Rosie from Remus and carry her a ways down so The Marauders can have a proper reunion. "Rosie, are you okay?" "Miss Lily, I'm scared." "I know, honey." I hug her lightly. "Come on, we'll run you a bath and I'll wash your hair." "With bubbles? She asks hopefully, rubbing the tears from her face with a chubby face. "With bright, sparkly, pink bubbles." I answer. Her face lights up and she runs over to James. "Come one Jamseie! Miss Lily's going to give us a bath with pink sparkly bubbles." She leans in to grab his hand and then recoils. "Ewwww, you smell!" She yells, running back to me. Everyone laughs. I forgot the Great Hall was full of students.

"Now now, students. Off to your classes. Mr. Black, Mr. Lupin and Mr. Pettigrew- you have afternoon classes off to catch up with Mr. Potter. I'll make arrangements for Miss Rosie but for now she'll stay in the Heads Dorm with you all." Dumbledore says, his eyes sparkling.


Her red hair flys by my eyes. I breath in and inhale her lovely, minty scent. I watch her and Potters reunion with great jealousy. If only she knew what she was missing out on. I could never be public with our relationship or my feelings, but I love Lily Evans very much. She's being wasted on stupid Potter an his friends. Pmh. Maybe I'll ask her to the ball, even though she's dating Potter, he probubly hasn't asked her yet because he just got back.... Then she'll realize that we're made for each other.

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