Chapter 12- Screaming & Fireworks

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I wake up screaming.


The memories flood back to me. After the Potions fiasco, I went to the rest of my classes and then went to sleep, forgetting to take my Dreamless Sleep Drought. It's the last day before term ends. Tomorrow, 6th year will be over. James comes sprinting up the stairs, broom in hand. " I heard you screaming! Are you okay?" he asks, slightly out of breath, his hazel eyes full of concern. I slowly shake my head, biting my bottom lip. My red hair flows out from behind my ears, to cover my face in a curtain of shame. "Hey." he whispers, picking me up bridal style, and carrying me down to the empty common room. I cry silently into his neck. I turn to face him as we sit in the couch. "Lily, why were you screaming? Do you keep having nightmares?" he asks, holding me close. 

"Sort of, it's a long story, but I owe you an explanation. I take a deep breath and explain to him what had happened. " Since March, I've been having nightmares about Bellatrix. About 3 weeks ago, when you found me in the common room, sleeping? I don't know how, but I had a nightmare about Bellatrix torturing me. And somehow, she ended up physically giving me this" I pull my sleeve up to reveal my scar. It's white from weeks of hiding it with my sleeve. 

"You can't remove it, and I haven't tried because she said if I tell anyone, or have it removed, my family and you would be dead. And, I can't live with that. Usually I take a Dreamless Sleep Draught, but I forgot last night. That night, that you held me it was the first good sleep I've had since March. They've been happening since then, but this is the first time she's actually gotten to me." I say, glad to get this off my chest. "I'm sorry Lily. I'm so, so sorry." he whispers, kissing my tears away. "Thank you for listening, James." I say quietly, fingering his thumb in my hand. "Thank you for telling me, love." He says, snuggling his head into my hair. We stay like that for who knows how long, and I drift in and out of sleep, with no nightmares. 

"Lils, doya want to talk about Potions?" I nearly smack myself. " Yeah sure, I forgot." I twist so we're face to face. "I smelt you, and I'm pretty sure you smelt me..." He starts and I cut him off, "I did smell you and.... Merlin, James do you know how terrifying the idea of loving you is? Because I know if I admit it right here and right now, there's no going back. I'm foolish, I'll be hopelessly in love with you. Love is terrifying, and love is dangerous."

"I'm scared of loving you, James, because it could be one of the best decisions of my life, or it could be the worst."

I blurt all this out, looking at my feet as I just confessed everything that's been going through my head since I got released from the Hospital Wing.

"You're right, Lily Evans, you are foolish." and then he's kissing me and I'm kissing him and there's not sparks.

There's fireworks.

In that moment I realize I'm in love with him and- I don't care.

"Remember when you were in the Hospital Wing and half conscious and you told me you loved me? Well I'm not sure if I returned the favor. Lily Evans, I'm hopelessly in love with you."

"James Potter, I'm hopelessly in love with you."

We stay like that till morning and go up to his dormitory because his broom is in mine and he can't get up without it. We swing open the door to see Marlene and Sirius rigorously snogging. "OI MATE GET A ROOM! There's innocent eyes here!" James roars, covering my "innocent face" with kisses.

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