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Lily and James live happily ever after and Peter dies because he's a jerk face.

jk i wish right

Lily and James move in with Bella and Sirius in a small apartment in London. They all join the Order of Phoenix together, fiercely fighting together.

June 12th, 1979

Lily and James get married in a small church in Godric's Hallow, and the reception is on the Potter property. Lily Evans is officially Lily Potter. When Lily's parents can't make the wedding, Remus walks her down the aisle, and dances with her for the father daughter dance.

December 31st, 1979

"James, I have something I need to tell you." Lily says, sitting next to him on the couch. Bella and Sirius, sitting opposite from them, can barely contain themselves with excitement. James is just about to find out he's going to become a father. James smiles at Lily, his eyes full of love and adoration for his wife. "What's up?" She looks down at her lap. "Remember when you told me you helped your dad build an addition on your house when you were in first year?" He nods, remembering that time with fondness. "

We built my mom a craft room as a surprise." Lily bites back a smile, twisting her hands in her lap. "Well, how good are you at nurseries?" She says softly, biting her lip. She hands him a box. He opens it, a look of confusion on his face. There's a baby deer onsie inside. He looks up at her, wonder on his face. "I'm going to be a father?" She nods, smiling.

He grabs her hands. "You're pregnant?" He whispers, tears starting to fall from his eyes. She nods. He starts crying freely, hugging her tightly. Bella and Sirius start cheering. Lily laughs shakily. "We're going to be parents, James."

July 31st, 1980

Lily squeezes James's hand, wincing. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you I hate you!" She screams, throwing her head back. James brushes his wife's sweaty hair out of her face. Even when she's in labor, he thinks, she's still absolutely gorgeous. "Almost there, Miss Potter." The doctor said reassuringly. She squeezes James's hand harder, making his fingers turn blue. He doesn't complain. She lets out a big, shaky sigh, breathing deeply.

The doctors wrap their little baby boy up in a blanket. The nurse wordlessly hands her the child. Lily looks down at her little baby boy, James right next to her. "He looks just like you." She says softly, her eyes welling up with tears. James brushes his thumb over his cheek. "He has your eyes." The little boy looked up at his parents, blinking his big green eyes widely. Lily presses a kiss to his forehead. "Harry." She says, looking up at James.

"Harry James Potter." James kisses his wife. "I love it." But what he doesn't remember, is that somewhere, there's a tape of a drunken James Potter telling Lily that he wants to name their unborn child Harry.

But she does.

Bella and Sirius come running into the room. Sirius takes one look at the newly born little boy and bursts into tears. Lily smiles at him. "Come here, Sirius." He walks over, looking at the beautiful boy. "Would you like to hold him?" Sirius shakes his head. "I couldn't, I'd drop him." James grins. "Well, as godfather, I think you should learn how to hold him." Sirius looks up. "Godfather?" Lily smiles. "We've decided to make you two the official godparents of Harry." She says kindly. Bella smiles through her tears, hugging her tightly.

Bella never thought that the girl she met in one of the darkest times of her life would end up being one of her very best friends.

Sirius takes the baby boy, holding him incredibly gentle. "Thought you didn't like kids, Padfoot." James said, watching the women talk and Sirius hold his child. "Changed my mind." He said, smiling down at Harry.

December 23rd, 1995

Harry peaks inside the attic, newly stored with Sirius's old things. Hesitantly, he closes the door gently behind him. He drags the box labeled 7th year over, looking through it. Harry finds an old camcorder at the bottom and clicks, seeing if it sill has battery. The camcorder whirs to life.

"November 3rd, 1977." Harry clicks on this footage, noticing it as his godfather's birthday.

" "What's this for?" Lily whispers, standing behind Remus. "Blackmail. What else?" He says, and Lily nods. "Fantastic idea, Remus Edwards Lupin." She pops in front of the camera. "Hey, whoever's watching this. My ridiculous boyfriend over there, James Fleamont Potter, is making a fool of himself with Sirius Orion Black The 3rd! It's Sirius's birthday party. 7th year, as well." Lily grabs the camera and flips it around to Remus. "This is Remus Elizabeth Lupin. He is the person who had the wonderful idea to film this great moment." He sighs, and rolls his eyes. "Lily, how many times do I have to tell you, my name is Remus JOHN Lupin." She laughs, and the camera shakes. "I know that. I'm not stupid, it's just fun to annoy you." He grabs the camera, and flips it back towards Lily. "Why don't you tell the wonderful audience who YOU are." She smiles, and flips her hair dramatically. "My name is Lily Marie Evans." Remus snorts. "Soon to be Potter." She blushes. "Um, no." His eyes light up. "What if your future CHILD watches this?" Lily blushes, and sighed. "We are not having any kids, Lupin. Absolutely not." Remus grins. "Oh come on! A little baby boy, with your eyes and James's hair..." He trails off, waggling his eyebrows. "What would be his name?" She sighs, exasperated. "I have no idea." James comes bounding over.

"HARRY!" Lily furrows her brows. "Harry who?" He looks at me. "That's the boys name. His name will be Harry James Potter." She snorts. "Bit full of yourself, hm?" James laughs, and points to the camera. "Hi MOOOOOOOONNNNNYYYY." He says, dragging Remus's name out. "Did you know," He slurs, "That Lily is my girlfriend?" Remus rolls his eyes and nods. "I love her. I LURVEEEEEEE her." He says, looking at Lily. "Lilllllllllyyyyyyyyy, I love you." She blushes. "I love you too James. How much did you have to drink?" She asks. He shrugs, acting like a child. "I don't know. All I know, Lilyflower, is that I am in love with you. Are you in love with me?" She laughed. "Yes James, I am in love with you." He grins. "Good." He turns to a guy in the corner who was watching us. "HEAR THAT, BOY IN THE CORNER? LILY IS MINE. MINNNNEEEEEE. NOT YOURS. SHE LIKES BOYS WHO DON'T HIDE IN CORNERS." He yells. She laughed, and make him look back at her. James looks at her. He gives her a kiss, and Lily kisses him back. Long enough for Remus to get uncomfortable. He clears his throat,and they jump apart. James looks around, and sees the camera. He looks at Lily for a moment, then walks close to the camera.

"I'm gonna ask Lilypad over here to marry me." He whispers. "But shhhhh, don't tell her cause I don't have a ring yet. But don't worry. I'll get one. Cause I like Lily a lot. I looooovvvvveeeeee Lily. But shh. Don't tell her. Then we'll get married, and we'll have you, baby Harry. Little baby Harry. I'll get you a broom for Qudditch. You probably don't know what Qudditch is. But don't worry. I'll teach you. I'll teach you everything." He whispers, winking at the camera. He stumbles away, attacking Sirius. She stands there, stunned. The last frame of the video was Lily's stunned face. "

Harry wipes away his tears, smiling to himself. They got the name and the hair right and everything, he thinks to himself. He spends the rest of the day rewatching this footage over and over, trying to burn the image of young and happy James and Lily Potter into his mind.

in memory of james and lily potter

died on October 31st, 1981

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