Chapter 17- Dinner & Goodbyes

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time skip to them getting off the train cause yeah

"You guys are so hopelessly in love it's kinda gross." Alice says, as everyone laughs. I'm sad to be leaving Hogwarts and all my friends for the summer, but it's been a great year. I already said goodbye to James right before we walked off the train. I see my parents standing with an older couple, politely chatting. I walk over to them, lugging my trunk along. "Hi guys!" "Oh Lily how much we've missed you!!" My mom exclaimed, grabbing me into a hug that I can barely breathe in. "Ribs, Mom!" I manage to squeak out. "Oh yes, show me this boyfriend of yours! This lovely couple has offered to take us out to dinner with their sons in the nearby wizarding community. How exciting!" Mom says, glancing around my fellow wizards. 

"And who might this be?" I say, crouching down to eye level with a young girl with familiar eye color. "I'm Rose." She says. She looks about five, and as we wait for the sons to arrive, me and Rose hit it off. She's adorbale, and anyone who has her as a little sister is lucky. From the way she talks about him, she admires the two very much!

"Is that my Rosie??" A familiar voice calls. "Jameise!!!" She says excitedly, running towards him as he scoops her up into a hug. "Look at my new friend!!" She says, and James and Sirius turn to me. His hazel eyes sparkle with mischief. "My my, how pretty she is." "Her name is Lily."

"Rosie, do you remember when I told you about Miss Lily? Last year?" He says, crouching down to her level. "Yes! You said she was really really really pretty, and that she had pretty eyes, and pretty hair, and was really fun and smart and-" "Okay, we get it." Sirius said, smirking slightly. "Well, I think it's time you met Miss Lily. Besides, now Miss Lily loves James back." "Yay! Will you live in a castle and have a happily ever after??" She asks excitedly, bouncing up and down in James's arms. I play along, acting clueless to who Miss Lily is. 

"Let's go then." He races up and down the platform, and covers her eyes. He waits till she is dizzy, and then comes to a halt in front of me. "Put your hands out." She does so and places her hands on either side of my face. I bend down so James can place Rose on the ground. Sirius starts to chant. "Open your eyes in 3.....2......1!" She opens her eyes and they widen. I smile at her and nod. She pulls everyone into a hug. "Yippee! Let's live in a castle and have a happily ever after with Mr Snuggles and lots of Ice cream!!" She shrieks, attracting the attention of our parents. We leave to go to dinner.


"James, I really want to meet this girlfriend of yours!" Euphemia says, cutting into her steak. "Lily, I would love to meet your boyfriend as well." Mom says. "Anyways as we are on the topic of boyfriends and girlfriends, Lily," My father starts as I internally scream and groan.

"Has that Potter boy still been bothering you at school?"

James chokes on his water, and Sirius has to be excused because he's laughing so much. "Mr. Evans, I'm assuming Lily hasn't told you my last name?" He says, as Dad slowly shakes his head.

"James Potter, at your service, sir."

I smile and figure I should introduce myself to his parents as well. "Lily Evans. And I'm dating your son."

Our parents stare at each other in shock. "I don't believe this." My father says, leaning back in his chair.


"James we don't have much time." Our parents are waiting outside to leave. "I know. I can't not say goodbye though."

He kisses me lightly, but passionately and I know he will miss me as much as I'll miss him. Our foreheads touch, and I begin to speak to him.

"Write. We will vist each other and it's going to be okay, I know it. I'll miss you so much."

"I'll write to you every day. I'm going to miss you so much its gonna hurt."

We kiss agian, and out of the corner of my eye I see Rose say to our parents, "I told you they were in love."

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