Chapter 55- Prom

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Lily POV

James's birthday goes off without a hitch. Even though, he disappeared with Sirius for most of it.

On the plus side, no one got drunk this time!

Prom is tomorrow night. "Dress." Everyone holds up their dress. I check that off my list. "Shoes." They all hold up shoes. We go on like this until I'm positively sure that everyone has everything for tomorrow. But I'm also positively sure that something will get lost tomorrow and we'll have a huge catastrophe on our hands. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, in the Great Hall?" They all nod. James & I have to be there extra early to go over everything and make sure it's perfect. I really hope everything will turn out the way James wanted. He seemed super excited about it. 

"Lily!" James calls. I hop off the bed and straighten my skirt. "Gotta go. Charms class." All of their eyes widen and I skip out of the room and down the stairs. He holds my school bag. "Ready for Flitwick?" He says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.  "I'm always ready for Flitwick." I answer, kissing his cheek. "Miss Evans. Mr. Potter." Flitwick says, looking at us over his glasses. James smirks at him. "Afternoon, Professer." He says cheekily. I elbow him in the side. "We'll just take our seats." I said, smiling at him while sliding into a chair. "Today, class, we will start with..." 


la nexta daya


I pause my music on my record player and take one final glance at myself in the mirror. Same old freckles, same old fiery red hair, pale skin. I haven't put on any makeup today, and I don't plan on it. Today's just one of those days that I just feel damn cute, and I'm gonna take advantage of it. I pulled the first few front section of my hair back into a loose and low ponytail, and the ends are slightly curled. My freckles are the most prominent they've ever been, and I apply some chapstick as the final touch. The dress was Bella's from the New Year's Eve, so it's more... I don't know, Bella then me. 

More edgy and attention seeking. I like it, so I hope every one else does too. "Lily, are you almost done getting ready, cause Dumbledore wants us down there at least 15 minutes before...." He trails off when I come into his view on the stairs. "Do you like it?" I ask nervously, playing with the hem line of the skirt. He shakes his head, eyes trailing me up and down. "Like it.... I love it." He says breathlessly. I smile. "Really?? You do? It's way more edgier then I normally would wear but it was Bella's and-" He cuts me off and kisses me lightly, running his hands over my arms lightly. "I love it. You're beautiful. You're amazing. It's mind boggling that such a fantastic girl like you would let a guy like me like you." He says softly. I give him a tight hug. "Thank you." I lean back and straighten his tie. 

"Did I tell you how incredibly handsome you look?" He blushes and looks down at his feet modestly. "I tried to get my hair to lay flat but I had to use so much hair potion it looked like cement. I had to wash it all out." I lean back and study him for a minute. Reaching out with my hands, I mess his hair up so it's even crazier then it was before. "I like it. It's your signature look." He smirks cheekily. James holds out his arm and stands up with perfect posture like a posh English man. "Ready to go?" I take his arm gladly and we walk out together, just like that. The perfect couple. 

Bella POV

As I'm walking down the dormitory stairs, I manage to trip on the last step and almost fall on my face. I recover and look around the common room to make sure no one noticed my almost face plant. "I saw that." I whirl around and Sirius is leaning onto the wall in the corner with a smirk on his face. "You're just as beautiful as I remembered in that dress." I blush and give him a hug. "It's these damn heels Lily made me wear. I'm so clumsy in them." "Now you'll have me to catch you." He replies cheekily. I roll my eyes and kiss his cheek. "You look very handsome." He smiles. "I think you get prettier and prettier every time we have one of these things." "Thank you, Sirius." He wraps an arm tightly around my waist and we walk out together. The Great Hall is already filled with people, and I see Lily & James dancing together in the midst of it all. 

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