Chapter 56- Grads

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Lily POV

Graduation is looming closer and closer. Funny thing about time, if you want it to pass quickly, seconds take hours. But when you want it to slow down, hours take seconds. 

Me, personally, I was dreading graduation. 

It just meant I was one step closer to the real world, becoming an adult. Just another face in the war. The war.

Graduation was like soft hands that have been comforting me since I was eleven, only to throw me out harshly into the world. I know that people are dying. I know that Voldemort was gaining control. I know that means bad things for me. But honestly, I don't understand it. Why hate someone, a group of perfectly innocent people, just because of their parentage. It's not like they have any control over it! "Lily? You okay?" I'm shaken out of my sad and dark thoughts by Bella. "You were just staring at your paper like it killed your mother." I shake my head. "Just stressing about graduation." She waves a hand. "You are going to do great. Everyone will love whatever you choose to say."

She's talking about the speech that the Heads need to make. Me, make a speech! My parents, of course, are completely thrilled. They've already made plans with Mr. & Mrs. Potter to have dinner in Hogsmeade, after their tour of the school grounds, of course. Petunia, on the other hand, was not so thrilled.

She is furious that Mom & Dad are missing her little dinner with Vernon. Which I know for a fact that she's had at least twice a month. Every month. Mom finally planted her foot down against Petunia's wining, and said if she didn't stop complaining that she would be coming with us. That shut her up. I'm actually really pleased that Mom & Dad are coming, because they haven't come to a school function yet. Granted, there's not a lot of them to come to, but still. Petunia has always gotten her way. It's always "Oh, dear, we can't make it.", or "Petunia really has this terrible cough, Lily, you know how she gets," or "Petunia is terribly unhappy we're missing her work function, you understand, right?".

I understand. What I understand, is that my parents turned a blind side to Petunia's nagging and pettiness for 7 years. "Lily. Stop trying to burn holes in the paper with your glare again." Bella says, looking up from her parchment. I clear my throat, blinking quickly. "Sorry." She spins the book around to face me. "THIS girl used her speech to tell her classmates and teachers how she really felt about them all these years." She points to a frowning girl with curly hair. "Needless to say, she wasn't invited back next year." Bella says in a posh British accent. Bella, being from America, has a thick American accent. 

When we pointed it out to her, she insisted that we were crazy, and we had the accent. She imitates us all the time, but whenever we try to imitate her back, we fail miserably. Over the past few months, thought, she has picked up some British lingo and terms. But I learned not to mention that, because whenever I mentioned something about her slowly turning Brit, she sulked for days. I personally love her differentness, and I think she secretly does too. 

I slam the book closed, resting against the back of the chair. "Okay. I'm done. I officially cannot do this anymore." Bella sighs, pushing the books away from her. "I thought you'd never say that. We've been at it for practically hours." I check my watch. "Only 4." She groans, slamming her head down on the table. 

"Guess who." A pair of warm big hands cover my eyes gently. My hands fly up, feeling them. "Peter." I say sarcastically. James laughs, spinning my chair around. I kiss him lightly. "What are you guys up to?" Sirius asks, sitting in a seat next to Bella. I grab my speech, flipping it over so you can't see the writing. "Trying to get inspiration for my graduation speech." James's eyes widen. "I forgot I had to do that."

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