Chapter 38- 10 Sickles to Remus

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Lily POV

The breath is sucked out of my body. My eyes well up with tears for the second time tonight, but this time for a different reason. "Well, it might be because we thought you were dead." Remus says quietly, and the trance of amazement is broken. Sirius has tears of joy streaming down his face, and grabs Bella, pulling her into an embrace. She tightens at first, but then relaxes into him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She traces small circles with her thumbs on his shoulder. His body is wracking with sobs and oddly enough, laughter. "It's okay, I'm here." She repeats, over and over, until he is still. She leans back and brushes hair out of his face, smiling. He smiles gratefully back at her. Sirius positions himself so his arm is around Bella, but facing us. She glares at me. I, just about to lean forward and hug her, take a step back, hurt. "Wha-" I start to say, but she cuts me off. "Bitch." James puts his arm around me, as an expression of hurt rises on my face. "What did I do to you?" I say, taken aback. 

"You betrayed James for a Slytherin asshole. If you wanted to break up for incredibly stupid reason, then that's not my problem for right now. But, rebounding with that SLUG? You IDIOT, you SLUT, you-" "Woah, woah, woah, woah. Don't go calling my girlfriend a slut when you don't know the full story." James shoots back, lightning his arm around me. "The whole story?" She repeats, looking confused. "I never actually broke up with James. It was a fake, to get his belt buckle. I had to pretend, to get him to think I had feelings for him now." I say quietly, still shuddering from the memory. "Oh, Lily...." She says, covering her mouth. "I'm so sorry," She whispers. I sprint forward and knock her over in a hug. "Thank you for rescuing me." She whispers, hugging me back just as tightly. After me, Alice hugs her, then Mary, then Remus, then Frank, and finally Peter. "Wait, why did you guys think I was dead?" She says, her brows furrowing in confusion. "Well, theres the fact, that you STOPPED BREATHING. You stopped MOVING. Your heart rate was ZIP. ZERO." Frank says sarcastically. 

She laughs. Her laughter fills up the room, like a warming spell, sending joy everywhere. She can do that. Just by her laugh, she can send a room smiling. Her presence is a like warming spell. "Well, my heart rate is no longer 'ZIP. ZERO.'" She says sarcastically, laughing again. She slips her hand into Sirius's, and gently places his fingertips on her collarbone. She looks at him. "See? Pulse." She says softly, and he looks down at her. She smiles and looks up at us. "So, how did you do it? Malfoy said there was way to reverse it, only he had the power to." She says, confused. I look at James. "You explain." He explains the plan to Bella, and she's a very good listener, nodding and gasping in all the right places. "You guys went through all this, just for me?" She says, when James finishes explaining about the original plan. He then tells her about what actually happened, her nodding when he explains what happens with the belt buckle, and everything until about the part about Remus. "Wait, you're the half-breed?" She says, then shakes her head. "Sorry, that was actually REALLY rude." He laughs lightly. 

"Yup, I'm uh, the werewolf." She smiles. "I don't mind. I think it makes you quite brave, actually." She smiles small. When James finishes the story, she looks confused. She understands everything until the end, and then her eyes widen. "Wait...." She said, shaking her head. "I know you know the answer to this question, and I know I do, but I don't want to know, and I know you know I don't want to know, but...." She takes a breath. "How was ANYONE able to use my wand?" Sirius smiles. I grin. "Can't you figure that one out on your own, Bells?" Alice says, rolling her eyes. Realization dawns on her face. She looks at me, then Alice, then Mary. 

We all have the same 'I told you so' grin on our face. She sighs, and slowly turns to Sirius, her hand still in his. He waggles his eyebrows at her, and she burst out laughing. "Way to ruin the moment, Black." She says, laughing. "Yeah, well, you're not to talk, because the wand wouldn't worked if you didn't love me back." He points out. She rolls her eyes. "Please, I knew from the moment I met you the wand would work for you." This time it was Bella who waggled her eyebrows.

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