Chapter 52- Reunited

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Lily POV

The only thing I can hear is the steady sound of my breaths. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. I drift in and out of sleep constantly.

I hear a new sound.




Heart monitor. I thought they only used those things in movies. I open my eyes and Mrs. Pomfrey is all over me, checking things and asking questions. "Oh, you're awake. Thank the heavens." She keeps saying. "Thank the heavens." A light pounding starts at the door, and it slowly gets louder and faster. "POPPY I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T LET ME IN-" I smile. The beeping noise quickens.

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

Beep beep.


"She needs rest, Mr. Potter!" She says shrilly. "I don't care bout rest! I want to see my girlfriend!" He hollers back. I hold back a laugh and bit my lip. "No, Mr. Potter." She repeats, walking back over to my bed. "POPPY FOR THE LOVE OF MERLIN LET ME IN." He pounds harder. "I'll stay here all night!" He says loudly. She looks at me. I grin sheepishly.

"He really will stay here all night." "Of course you wake up the 10 minutes he's not worshipping at your bedside." She mutters. She walks over to the door and opens it a tiny crack. Poppy is thrown to the ground as James, Sirius and Bella come barreling in. When James sees me he starts crying. "You're so stupid, Lily! Why'd you do that, you're so stupid. You're so stupid, Lily." He wraps me up in a hug, squeezing me tight. I squeeze him back, inhaling the familiar foresty scent.

He kisses me softly, clutching my hands. "Hey, I'm okay. I'm alive. I'm here now." I say softly. He just laughs in relief, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Bella pushes her way to the front. I look at her for a minute. Her eyes are red and bloodshot, purple bags under them. She grins and her eyes fill up with tears. She shoves my shoulder lightly. "Don't scare me like that again." She teases, and I grab her in a bear hug. We clutch each other tightly and she takes some shaky breaths. She lets go and I make eye contact with Sirius.

He stares at me. "You have no idea how glad I am that you're not dead." He says. I ruffle his hair, giving him a quick hug. Bella and Sirius sit at the edge of my bed. "You, Miss, have some explaining to do." She sighs. "You want the whole story?" She asks. I nod. "She refused to tell us anything until you woke up." James said, scowling. "That is, except Sirius." He grins. "I can be pretty persuasive." I wince and groan.

"My dad's Voldemort. I don't know who my Mom is, she died at childbirth. I know they were young though, like our age.

After I was born, they took me to an orphanage while my dad finished school. I guess he forgot about me, because he worked a job at Borgin and Burkes for a while, but then quit to take care of me. He dropped entirely off the map because he didn't want anyone to find out he had a daughter.

I learned from a pretty young age to be quiet and ask no questions. I taught myself how to read and write. The maids taught me how to cook in secret. He wasn't a very attentive father, and mostly left me in the hands of my maids, so the word I got from the outside world beyond the Marvolo house was gossip.

Once I turned eleven, he sent me away to Illvermorny and I stayed there till the end of 5th year. I was homeschooled 6th year, and that's when I really got to know my father. That's when I came here, and that's where I went after Christmas. He asked me to join the Death Eaters and I declined. He also found out that I was dating Sirius, so that's why I have so many scars. On my back, I mean."

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