Chapter 33- James & Lily

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Lily POV

I straighten my dress and look at myself in the mirror for the last time. "I wish Grandpa could see this." I whisper, and brush away a lone tear. Mary appears next to me and gives me a hug. "He would've been so proud of you. He still is." She says. Mary was one of my friends I was with when I received the news of my grandfathers death. He was my best friend. We did everything together. I shake myself out of my little trance and go to my friends. We walk downstairs together, all in a line. It's somewhat like a movie, or a fairy tale, because we're all dolled up and everything. To my dismay, only Peter, Frank and Remus are waiting downstairs. "Where's James? And Sirius?" I ask, frowning. "They had a fix a mess-up  in the kitchens. Miscommunication, or whatnot. None of the teachers could walk in there and fix it without all of the house elves to start bawling, so they sent James and Sirius- because, no one knows the house elves like they do, let's be honest." Remus said. 

Answering my question after a considerable long time of him sputtering words and him and Mary staring in each others eyes happily. "Let's go then, shall we?" And without another word to us, he took Mary on his arm, beaming, and escorted her out of the portrait hole.  With an apologetic look to us, Alice leaves with Frank. Bella and I looked at each other in shock. "Who knew Lupin could be such a romantic?" She said, fixing her hair in the reflection in one of the windows. "Wait, who's your date? Did you actually say yes to Sirius?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips. She choked. "Gods no! I'm going unoccupied.

 Figure I'll find another lonely soul to go with at some point right? Besides, I don't need a boy to help me look good." She said, tossing her hair back dramatically. We both laughed. "Peter, do you know if James wanted to meet me here, or in The Great Hall?" I ask the quiet boy. "Great Hall." He squeaks. "and who're you waiting for?" Bella asks kindly. "Bertha. Bertha Jorkins." He said, gaining some confidence back. "Well you two have fun." She said kindly, and we walked out of the portrait hole together. "Didn't we see Bertha scurry out of the portrait hole way before us?" She whispered to me, and we giggled, quickly walking down the narrow corridor. "Well, well, well, two unoccupied girls. And two unoccupied boys. What a great match we would be!" We are cut off right before reaching the doors by none other than-

Regular Black and Severus Snape.

Internally, I groan, and Bella and I exchange a glance. Regulas pulls me to one side of the corridor while Snape pulls Bella to the other one. I can visibly see her struggling against his holds, and I'm sure I look the same. "Baby, baby, baby! No wonder you turned me down! You're too much of a beauty to be seen with me." He said, winking and leaning in close. I nearly vomit because of how mad he smells. "Take a bath, dog breath!" I turn my head and keep struggling against his holds. In my struggles, I see his sleeve slide up, and the Dark Mark appear. I rench it up even further and say waspishly, "Wouldn't want any one else seeing that particular tattoo, would we?" After this, he turns pale, and starts muttering excuses. Not being able to take it much more, I kneed him in the balls, flick my wand at Snape,and they both run off. 

Bella and I fix our hair, straighten our dresses, and smile in relief at each other. "All he was asking me was questions about you, and your relationship with James." Bella said, rubbing her wrist. We have identical marks on our arms from their holds. I'd covered up my Mudblood scar with a concealment charm, like I do almost every day, but I'd left my wand in the dorm, like the instructions said. That was specially requested by McGonagall. "Ready?" Bella asks. "Ready as I'll ever be." I reply, and we push the doors open. The whole hall falls silent. We flush slightly, and grasp each others hands. I scan the room for James, and find him in a dead stance in the middle of the dance floor. His jaw is dropped, and eyes wide. He seems at a loss for words.

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