Chapter 23- Revenge

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"What do you mean, Mungos for a week?" I say, jumping up. "What, you don't actually like the git, do you?" He says, steam practically streaming out of his ears with anger, and his fists are balled at his sides. I place my hand on his chest and push his back so he's sitting down again. "Woah tiger. Sit down. I don't like him, and think he's a bit obnoxious, if you ask me personally. But that's not a reason to go and start cursing his head off."

"Yes it is." I spin around to see James standing at the foot of the stairs. His fists are balled at his sides as well and it looks like he could murder someone. "Hold on. Before you start cursing him again, at least go over the plans for the Ball and head stuff with me so I can get you caught up." He deflates his anger a little bit and sits down next to me. "Sirius." I say, jerking my head towards the door. He smirks. "Yeah right. You just want me to leave so you can snog again and say sappy stuff about how much you missed each other." 

"That can be arranged." James said leaning down so he falls over me on the couch and pressing his lips to mine. "I'll leave you to your studying." Sirius says, walking out the door and I don't even have to look up to hear the sarcasm and smirk. "Anyway, back to business." James says, swooping in for another kiss. " I stop him and he pulls back with a confused look on his face. "I wasn't kidding before. We actually have stuff we need to go over." I say, sitting up and grabbing the notes from the table. I sit at one end of the couch and James sits at the other. I put my feet on his lap and shuffle the notes around.

"Okay. Heads duties first. I assigned all the prefects their positions. They take care of Saturday through Wednesday, mostly. We have to patrol on Friday mornings, and Thursday nights until 11. On Monday, we patrol the astronomy tower from 3-7. Tuesday we have a meeting with Dumbledore to discuss Heads stuff. You have to organize Qudditch tryouts for Gryffindor, and handle all the pitch bookings. On Wednesday we patrol the library during free period."

"Got it?" I say, making sure I covered everything before I move onto the ball. "Yes actually," He says, folding his hands and placing them on his lap as he cocks his head. "When will I have time to kiss you?" I laugh, and lean over to peck him on the nose. He moves his head the slightest bit so I end up on his lips. He starts kissing me and I kiss him back because gosh I missed this. When he pulls back I'm guessing I looked like a fish gasping for air. 

 "Can we please just go upstairs and cuddle? We can do this tomorrow." He pleads, making a puppy dog face. "Tempting, very tempting. All we have to do is go over the ball, take Rosie down to Professor McGonagall, and then we can go upstairs and cuddle. Deal?" I ask. "That seems like an awful long time from now, but okay."

"The Ball. September 19th. 5-10. They have afternoon classes off to prepare. I think its 5-7 years. I got Dumbledore to book the Weird Sisters, and you need to speak to the House Elves about the food selection. I'm thinking maybe some mac and cheese with chicken wings, to make it a little more causal? We definitely need butter beer, and maybe some gillyweed, as well. I'll make arrangements with Rosemerta next Hogsmeade visit. That reminds me. We need to organize those as well. Anyways, its a regular Ball, and the decor is going to be black and white. With some silver involved as well. Thats all I've got so far. We can change anything you'd like. Any questions?" "Sounds great." he says, nodding. 

"Miss Lily? Can I come to the Ball?" Roise says, as she's wobbling down the stairs. James runs over and swoops her up into his arms. "No, but guess where you can go? A super special place where you can talk to Miss Minnie about changing a pumpkin into a magical carriage." She gasps, and squeals with delight. He continues to have a conversation with her about all the special magic McGonagall can do, making it sound much more dramatic than it actually is. He swivels his head around to face me. "I'll take her to McGonagall, okay?" I nod, and he puts Rosie on his back and she squeals in delight, laughing and shrieking. "Sing the song, sing the song!!!" She yells. He turns beet red, and I raise my eyebrows. James puts her down and she stands on his feet. They begin to waltz around the room.

"Tale as old as time can tell,

True as it can be.

Barely even friends,

Then somebody bends,


Just a little change,

Small to say the least.

Both a little scared,

Neither one prepared,

Beauty and the Beast.

Ever just the same,

Ever a surprise,

Ever as before,

And ever just as sure.

As the sun will rise.

Tale as old as time,

Tune as old as song.

Bitter sweet and strange,

Finding you can change.

Learning you were wrong,

Certain as the sun.

Rising in the east.

Tale as old as time,

Song as old as rhyme,

Beauty and the beast.

Tale as old as time,

Song as old as rhyme,

Beauty and,

The beast."

He finishes, and my mouth drops open. His face is beet red still, and he mumbles something about being late and sprints out the door. James is a REAAAALLLLLLYYYY GOOD singer.

I had no idea.

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