Chapter 32- I just wanted my straightener.

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does anyone want me to do the ball scenes with every couple? like one chapter with lily and james pov, one of mary and remus and one of alice and frank? lmk cause I'm conflicted about this


Lily POV


I wake up to hear Bella talking loudly downstairs. I yawn and get up to the bathroom. I fix my ratchet bedhead and wash my face. I walk down the stairs to see Bella animately talking with Remus. "Everybody producing that movie knows, that she should've gotten off that bed, and shared it with him. I would've been like boy you better get up here but NO SHE OVER THERE LOOKING AT HIM WHILE HE FREEZING. She over trying to help him get up, BARELY. Then he be like, I'll stay here Rose, I'll stay here. Poor guy DIES, holding onto the thing! She's gotta pry his fingers off the door or whatever! Ain't this chick ever heard of taking turns?" She exclaims, and Remus is trying very hard not to laugh. James sees me walking in from his angle on the couch. His eyes brighten. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." He makes room for me on the couch and motioned to sit down. I flop onto the couch and rest my head on his shoulder. "I swear, sometimes you radiate so much heat I think you have a fever." I mumble, moving in closer to him. "Hey, don't you go falling asleep over there! After breakfast, we have to go and start getting ready for the Ball." Alice calls over her shoulder warningly, from the window seat (that is honestly only meant for one person, lets be honest) that she's sharing with Frank while holding hands. "What if she just wants to blow off the Ball and sit here with me for the day?" James retorts, tightening his arm around a slowly dozing back off me. Bella raises her eyebrows as she raises from her spot with Remus, cracking her neck and stretching her arms above her neck. "And miss the Ball she basically spent every living hour for the past week on? Don't think so." Mary jumps up from her spot with a book in the armchair. "Show me how you do that!" She demands. "What?" Bella drops her arms, looking confused. "How do you stretch in public without looking like a complete monkey?" She demands. Everyone bursts out laughing. "I'm serious, every time I try to stretch I look like a whale!" She laughs, showing us. McGonagall walks into the portrait hole and her eyebrows raise. I'm sure we look like quite the bunch. The girls and I in matching pajamas, and the guys all in qudditch sweats, everyone having mad bed head. "Excuse me, I believe you are all here, but if I could have your attention." She unrolls a piece of parchment from her pocket. 

"Mr. Black, Ms. Evans, Mr. Potter, Mr. Lupin, Mr. Pettigrew, Ms. Prewett, Mr. Longbottom, Ms. McDonald, and Ms. R-" "Bella, just Bella!!!!" Bella said loudly, cutting her off. Hm. Pure blood, starts with an R. More to add to the last name mystery. I should get one of those clear boards with red thread, like the movies. McGonagall continues, "-are invited to a special session with the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Sewlyn,  to go over and learn the topic of the Patronus. This is an honor as only the top students in 7th year are invited. Tomorrow morning, Defense classroom, at 11:00." She finishes reading and looks at me and James. "If you accept, that is, you're excused from patrol. If not, I expect to see both of you in front of the library at 7:00 sharp, in full uniform." She says sternly, and I nod. She leaves the room, and James looks at me with pleading eyes. "Pleaseeeeeee can we go? I don't want to have to get up at 7:00 on a SUNDAY!" He pleads, and shakes his head in disgust at the fact of getting up before 10:00 in the morning on a weekend. I laugh and pretend to think about it. "Yeah, lets all go! The Patronus is actually really interesting, I wonder what she'll cover about it? The form your Patronus takes is supposed to be a direct reflection of your soul." I say excitedly, deflating slightly when I realize by the end of my little speech the only person who's listening is Remus. At least James is trying to make an effort- but I can tell he's not really interested in it."Okay, so it's settled. Tomorrow morning, we'll all go to the Patronus class." Remus says, looking around. As everyone nods, he leans back into his chair and grabs a pen to continue the crossword in the Daily Prophet. He looks confused and calls me over. I walk over and he says, "#7, across." "What is it, I bet I can get it!" Sirius calls from his intense chess game with Bella. "4 letter word for beautiful, gorgeous, and adorable?" Remus calls. 

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