Chapter 16- Valentines Day

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"PRONGSIE HAS BECOME A MAN!!" Sirius shrieks, and I bolt up, knocking heads with the head board.


"Damn it Padfoot! We didn't shag!" James shouts, rubbing his head as well, obviously annoyed. "LILY AND JAMES, SITTING IN A TREE, K I S S I N G-" Sirius starts dancing a round the room, oblivious to James's previous statement. He's cut off by Peter. "You're a man child!" Sirius flicks his wand and Peter falls off the bed. "This marks a dent into our generation of all future Marauders, as Prongs had finally done IT with a bird!" "Sirius!" James and I shout testily at him. "Let me repeat myself. We. Did. Not. Shag." James says, narrowing his eyes as he ruffles his hair, and reaches for his glasses. "I can't see a bloody thing." He reaches over my head, and ends up with a handful of my hair. 

"This is better anyways." He says, falling back onto the bed as he snakes an arm around me so I fall with him. He pulls me so I'm protected from view from the Maruaders. "Go on. I want to sleep some more." "More? Merlin James, its 9:00 already. The train leaves at 11:00. You best be getting up." Remus says wisely, glancing at his watch. "AH SHOOT! I FORGOT TO PACK!" All three boys shout, minus me and Remus. We glance at each other, and sigh, and I take James, and he takes Sirius and Peter. James is wayyyy more messy than either of them combined, and it'll take longer if we do one at a time. "Collect everything that's yours, James. Then place them on the bed, and I'll put them in the trunk." "You're a life saver, Lily." He says gratefully. We almost complete everything, until I reach under the bed to make sure everything's gone, and come out with a box. "What's this?" I ask. 

James sprints to my side and rips the box out of my hands. "Nothing!" I raise my eyebrows suspiciously, and his arms fall to his side. He beckons to sit on the bed. I join him, and he fiddled with the box before speaking. "I got this in Hogsmeade right before Valentine's day. Remember how we had a double weekend, because Valentine's day was on a Sunday?" I nod, not sure what's coming. How does this relate to a box? "Well, I saw it, and couldn't resist getting it for a girl. She rejected me before I could even take the box out, and I shoved it under there till now, because it was a constant reminder that she didn't love me back." "Who was it for?" I ask.



"I went up to you on Valentine's day morning, with the box in my pocket, and asked for a moment alone. You came with me with hesitation, and before I could even open my mouth, you said,"I definitely have strong feelings for you, James. I'm just not sure if they are positive or negative yet." It was the first time you called me James, and I held onto that for months. Eventually I gave up, assuming the feelings were negative."

Oh my gosh. I remember that day. After that, he was acting different for like, a week. Then he was back to his normal self, just less cocky.

"Well let me assure you right now James, the feelings are positive."

He handed me the box and and I open it to see a necklace with a stag, and emerald heart.

"It reminded me of you."

He says sheepishly, running his hands through his hair. "I LOVE it! And I love you for doing it." I say, kissing him lightly before turning and asking him to put it on. He does, and it matches perfectly.

"I'm never taking this off. Ever."

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