Chapter 15- Freak.

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"Lily!" James ran up the stairs, slightly out of breath with the Cloak and Map in his hands. He threw them to the ground, making to hug me, but I moved out of the way so I was facing the other way. "Freak. That's what my sister calls me." I say, looking out across the Astronomy Tower as James leans against the railing next to me. "Surely you don't believe that, Evans?" "Maybe sometimes I do."

james pov.

Her words seemed to knock the air from his lungs. He stood quietly and she averted his gaze. It took moments like this- moments of pure vulnerability between the two, that reminded him the Evans was human above everything else. Behind her snarky, witty banter she was just as fragile as he was. And for that, he began to fall for her all over again. It reminded him how much the redhead beside him meant to him. He slowly learnt things about Lily Evans he wasn't sure she'd ever told anyone else, and he found himself in deep. She told him about her grandpa, and how he used to carry her on his shoulders during football matches so she could see above the crowd. She told him how much she had cried when he died, how it's felt as if she'd never stop. She didn't cry then though. She just looked at him with a small smile.

back to lily's pov

I told him about Grandpa, and how Petunia had treated me. I told him things I wasn't sure I'd ever told anyone else.  I let him hold me, and he let me cry as I let the wall break that I had so perfectly constructed between me and my past.

Maybe, I'll go to the wedding. I should go to the wedding, to be the bigger person. How will I get through it?

"I'll go to the wedding with you."

I pressed my lips to his and placed my hands on his chest. "Thank you." I whispered.

We went back to the common room. Everyone had gone to bed. 3 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING? "James you should go to bed. I'm sorry for keeping you out this late. I would've managed fine on my own, you didn't need to follow me."

"See that's what I mean Evans. It's not what I needed to do, it's what I wanted to do."

He carried me up to his dorm, and placed me on his bed. "Here, change into this. It might be a bit big, but its better than wearing jeans to bed." He throws an old jersey that says Potter on the back at me. I quietly switch into the new clothes, and slip under the covers. "Thanks for doing this James. I really don't deserve you."

"Oh Lily, I don't deserve you."

I feel myself slowly slipping out of conscience and notice I have the bed to myself. I sit up and see James punching a pillow at the end of the bed on the floor with a blanket hastily throw over himself that's entirely too small.

"Oh don't be ridiculous. Come here, I didn't come up to sleep alone."

"I just didn't want to push it on you. I didn't know if you were comfortable with it or not." He says sheepishly, slipping in next to me. "A true gentleman." I say, kissing his cheek. He wraps his arm lazily around my waist and I place my head on his chest. "I love you." "I love you too."

some parts of this chapter and last chapter were loosely based upon some of my favorite headcannons. i believe the authors are @captainjamescpotter on tumblr and @remus-loopy on tumblr.

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