Chapter 45- Dark Marks

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okay sooooo i know i screwed up the timing TERRIBLYYYYYYYYY but i really didnt want to skip sirius's bday cause that would be terrible !!! so just pretend like it's his bday okay srrrryyyyyy

Lily POV

I walk down to breakfast alone today. James was still sleeping, and the girls and I were going to get up early and plan Sirius's birthday party. It's tonight. "Hey guys! You ready for tonight?" I sit down on the bench next to my friends, grabbing a piece of toast. "Yeah, but we still have to get through classes first." Alice says glumly, stirring her cereal around absentmindedly. "Yeah." Bella says, looking at her schedule. "Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms today." I furrow my brow. "What about History of Magic?" She consults her list. "Nah, we had double yesterday, remember?" I nod, and finish my piece of toast. "So, during lunch hour we go to the Head's common room and James and I will decorate it. Mary, you are sneaking the firewhiskey down with Remus, right?" She nods. 

Marlene left last night, with Derek. He took all his NEWT's already, and is going to finish up his classes over there with her. He's so in love with her, willing to move halfway across the globe just to be with her, you know?

"Bella, what will you be doing?" I ask. She swallows her food. "I have Qudditch practice during lunch, remember? I will be distracting Sirius so he doesn't walk in on you guys." Mary waggles her brows. "The term 'distracting him' is very vague." She rolls her eyes. "I'm just gonna keep him away from the common rooms. I'm not gonna shove him in a closet somewhere."   Alice looks amused, picking at her nails. "Whatever you say." Bella scoffs. "We're not gonna go shag in a bloody broom cupboard!" She exclaims.

"You're shagging someone else in a broom cupboard?"

Sirius is behind her, an amused expression on his face, playing with her hair. She whirls around, her face red. "Happy Birthday babe!" She says, kissing him lightly. "Of course not, I was just saying..... um..." She stammers for an excuse. "Lily was going to skip Potions with James and shag in a broom cupboard!" She says triumphantly. I let my head fall down on the table with a thump. 

"We are, huh? Why don't you tell me these things, Lil?" I whirl around to see James behind ME now, an amused expression on his face. I take in a deep breath. "No one is skipping anything to shag with anyone in any broom cupboard. Happy?" I haul myself to my feet, and grab my bags. "Happy Birthday Sirius. I'm heading to Potions." "I'll come with." James says quickly, grabbing an apple and shoving it in his pocket.

We walk downstairs in a comfortable silence, his arm easily thrown over my shoulder. I lean into him. "I love you." I say quietly, kissing him. He kisses me back. "I love you too, Lils. What was that for?" He says softly, looking down at me. I smile small. "No reason." James pulls me closer and kisses my temple. 

"Um, Lily?"

Snape appears from the shadows. I tense up, and grab James's hand. He squeezes. "May I speak to you for a moment? ALONE?" He glares at James. "Look, you listen here, bud-" James starts toward him, but I place a hand on his chest, not breaking my gaze with Snape.  "It's alright, James. I want to hear what this bastard has to say." James still looks worried. "Okay, but if you touch her I swear to all the gods..." He growls, and steps into the Potions dungeon. As soon as the door slams behind James, Snape takes a step forward, and I take a step back. "If this is going to work, you stay there. I stay over here. Got it?" I warn. He rolls his eyes and nods. ""Go." I lean back on the wall, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Lily, I care about you too much to not tell you this. I'm in love with you, Lily. I've made some terrible mistakes, please, please forgive me!!" He pleads. I roll my eyes. "Tough love, bud. I'm actually in love with this amazing guy named James Potter." He mutters something. "What was that?" I demand. "You came here to talk. If you're gonna talk, you better tell me everything, and don't go muttering shit under your breath." He looks up. "I SAID HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!" He yells. I narrow my eyes. "Oh yeah? And who does?" He opens his mouth, and then closes it again. "And if your sorry ass was about to say yourself, then think again. If anything, I don't deserve him." He looks around the corridor. 

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