Chapter 13- Champions all around

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"James! There's a Qudditch match today! I totally forgot, it's the house championships for the Qudditch cup!" I say, totally surprised. The Qudditch magazines on the floor of his dorm reminded me of it. The ones I could see after Marlene and Sirius left, they take up a lot of room. They're probably shagging in a broom cupboard somewhere. Yeah, images I don't need. "Oh right...-Lily! I forgot, umm.." He runs his fingers through his hair.

"Will ya wear my jersey?"

Wow. Usually girls only wear boys jerseys if they're like, TOGETHER. "Of course! I would be honored!" I fling my arms around him and we hug. He shoves a shirt into my hands. "Now I'll see you on the pitch, okay? I love you." "I love you too." As I walk into my dorm, the girls (Marlene, Alice, and Mary) pounce on me.


"Where were you last night?"

"Since when were you on love terms?"

"You guys didn't do... it, right?"

"Geez Marlene, get your head out of the gutter, besides, you shouldn't be talking!" I say, shaking my head. "Um, yes, In the common room, since last night, and no, we didn't shag." Still shaking my head in disbelief, I cross over to my bed, still having a giant smile on my face.


And so I do, my smile going bigger than I ever thought it could go. "Boy, she's got it bad." said Alice, flopping back on her bed. "What?" I said, confused. "Isn't it obvious, guys? Lily's in love." I blushed. "Now, let's get you gussied up! We can't have you look like you just went swimming in the Black Lake for James." I gasped, "Hey I don't look THAT bad." "Mhmmm, keep telling yourself that honey." They pinched and prodded and pulled and yanked into what was a very miserable me.

But, it was a very HOT me.

They'd pulled my hair up into a sleek ponytail, and I had on James's jersey with black leggings. I had red flipflops and they painted my nails to match my eyes, and I had a small bag on my side. "Thanks, guys, I look great." "Um heck yes you do. Now let's go before we are late." said Mary. We walk to the pitch together. It was a warm June day, but there was a nice breeze so I was comfortable. I spot James low to the ground and the team was warming up. Sirius spots us, and his jaw drops. He mouths wordlessly at us and James turns around.

And falls off his broom.

I blush and run to help him. "James are you alright??" "Lily, you look beautiful." "Thanks James." He grabs my face and kisses me, and I kiss him back, wanting to stay like that forever. "Tut, tut. Lily, James has a game to play. James, you are getting Lily all sweaty! Go!" Mary says, giggling. We make our way to the tower and the announcer announced the game, basically almost getting to the players until James shoots out and grabs the mic from him.

"Hey guys. Okay, You see the beautiful redhead over there? Lily Marie Evans? Well, I'll be the first to admit that she looks gorgeous today, but if you haven't noticed she's mine now. I'm looking at you, Stebbins. If anyone decides to hurt her, you answer to me now. Love you Lils."

I nearly swoon. As do all the girls listening, and who see his signature smirk. As they do their announcers lap, he pecks me on the cheek.

"Good luck, love. Don't get hurt."

"Wouldn't dream of it."

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