Chapter 37- Success?

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I slam my hands down on the table. "Let's go over the plan one more time." They nod.


"I get the Slytherin password out of that cute 5th year, Brenda." He wrinkles his nose. "No matter how persuasive I need to be." I roll my eyes. "You've done it for 5 years with about a bajillion other girls." He shakes his head. "Still."

"You give it to Mary and Remus by the library, who give it to me." I prompt, and this time it's me who wrinkles my nose. I shift around. Sirius gave me some 'necessary' equipment. How necessary, I'm not sure. "Trust me, sweet cheeks, this makes you a MILLION times more attractive." "I like you either way." James offers. "Thanks James." I lace my fingers with his. "Hey, love birds. If this is gonna work, you can't act in love!" Mary said, somewhat sadly. I think she likes us together even more than I do. With a pang of sadness I retract my hand from James.

"After I obtain the items needed, I meet you in the Room of Requirement. I trust the boys will have their part of the plan complete?" I raise my eyebrows. They nod. While I'm distracting Malfoy, they're getting Bella and bringing her to the Room. "Alice and Remus, you stand guard the Slytherin room. Peter and Sirius, are pranking Malfoy back?" I consult my plans. "That definitely wasn't on the original list." They shrug. "You can't deny he does't deserve it." Peter says. Sirius rubs his hands together and smiles evilly. "We have some particular plans in store for him." James is looking particularly stoney this entire time. "James?" Remus pokes him. I hate this plan." He grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. Sirius shudders. "I DID NOT miss his 'Lily-Rejection' Mode." I spin around. "This is what he was like? Every time I rejected him?" I say in disbelief. They nod. I take a breath. I can't believe how much this boys in love with me. I'm just me. Plain ole' Lily. I lean down to where he was sitting and press a kiss to his lips. 

"I love you. Not him. Remember that, okay?" I whisper. I hear Sirius take in a breath to scold us for acting like we're dating again, but Remus stops them. "Let them have a moment." He whispers. "Everyone ready?" James pulls me aside. "Lily?" I nod. "Be careful, okay?" I give him a hug. "Of course." "Um, guys? Forever alone hopelessly in love guy who doesn't have a girlfriend to tell be careful too?" I turn around to see Remus talking to Mary and Frank talking to Alice. I frown. "Where's Peter?" He emerges from under the table. "What?" His mouth is full of the rest of the food we stashed under it. "Sirius, go." He leaves grimly. "Remus and Alice, you go stand guard." "Take care of her, Lupin." Frank says sharply, and Remus nods. You may think we're exaggerating, but no where is really safe these days. Some of these guys are just as dangerous as some grown adults. It's dangerous. Very dangerous. We all depart to out specific locations. After about 15 minutes waiting, Remus and Alice run and give me the password. It's Dark Lord. Figures. I ditch the outfit on the way there. Sirius made me put on these ridiculous clothes. I have on pumps with some crazy clothes. I unfortunately can't ditch the pumps, but I brought a regular uniform to switch into. I take a deep breath and steady my heart beat- which feels like it could be pounding out of my chest. "Dark Lord." I walk in. It's actually pretty nice. Malfoy is sitting on the couch, as planned. Bella is with him- for now. Also as planned. 

"Lucius." I say, and flip my hair. My mind is just repeating one phrase over and over. DON'T DO IT. Bella looks over at me and her expression changes more times than humanly possible. First, happiness, confusion, alertness, and then I don't know what. I saunter over and sit on him, nearly vomiting. "Bella, could you give me and this fine boy a minute?" I flutter my eyelashes, ignoring the sinking feeling in my chest. She looks confused, but can't talk. "What about James." He says, phrasing it as a statement not a question. Boom! He places his wand on the table, and I lean over to grab it, pressing myself up against him to make sure he doesn't see me take it, and shove it into the back of Bella's shirt. "Oh him? We're so over." Bella looks revolted. "Time you realized, baby. Maybe you could give me a few minutes, I could show you what a man's like." He purrs, and I vomit a bit in my throat. "Precisely." "Bella, leave for a while." He says hungrily, licking his lips. "Lily and I have some business to attend to." She leaves, casting me a glare over her shoulder. Step one succeeded. His wand is in our hands. 

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