Chapter 14- Kisses & Letters

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so i'm rubbish at writing qudditch so we are skipping to the end.

"Gryffindor wins the House Cup, second year running!" The commentator screams, as the Hufflepuff players slink off in defeat. I make my way down to James, as he's surrounded by a fervent knot of admiriers. He's hoisted up onto Sirius and the other Beaters shoulders, as I see his eyes searching the crowd. I reach the pitch, and end of the endless stairs, and run onto the field. He pumps his fist holding the trophy into the air. "James! You did it!" I say, as he probably didn't hear me. 

And suddenly his mouth was on mine and we were kissing while the whole school was watching but I didn't care because holy shoot I'm kissing James Potter. His muddy and wet Qudditch robes were ruining my blouse but I didn't care because gods this felt nice. The first years groaned and covered their eyes and Dumbledore clapped and the Marauders screamed their heads off.

Exactly 6 and 1/4 seconds later the two broke apart and the sun finally appeared from behind the clouds. All at once I realized the whole school just saw us kiss and tried to hide my face with my hands as it just turned a deep scarlet. But James was too quick and took my hands and kissed me again and this time when they broke apart I was smiling like an idiot and James had the cockiest of smirks on his face.

And then Sirius promptly "faints" into Remus's arms.


After the celebratory party, and more celebratory kisses, (no complaints there), we were just about to head up to bed as I saw an owl coming up to the window. I grabbed the letter and saw it was for me. Who would be sending this at this hour?


Mum made me send this to tell you that I'm getting married two weeks hence. But you're not invited. You're a snobby, weird FREAK. I never want to see you again, and don't bother showing up at my wedding, because you won't be let in. Wouldn't want you contaminating the guests, hm?

Tears blur my eyes as I throw down the letter and run. I hear James call my name in alarm. I don't listen, just kept running, running until I can't anymore. I look out over Hogwarts up top the Astronomy Tower. This is my home. I'm a different person than I was those years ago. Couldn't she just be happy for me? 

When I got my letter, I was sure it had changed my life. For the better or worse, I.... I don't know.

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