Chapter 47- Home for Christmas

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Lily POV-  The day before Christmas break of seventh year

"It's almost CHRISTMASSSSS, IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMASSSSS!"I groan and run out out of my bedroom, stampeding down the stairs. I stand in front of the staircase that leads to James's room. "JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER. HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU TO NOT GIVE THIS ANIMAL THE PASSWORD?!" I bellow up the staircase, stamping my foot. Sirius is still skipping around the common room, in a reindeer onesie. James comes rolling down the stairs, literally. I glare at him. He smiles up at me from the floor. "Sorry, babe." I roll my eyes. "Yeah,yeah." He jumps up. "Are you still coming to mine for break?" He says cheerfully. "I AM!" Sirius yells. I nod, looking at my feet. "If I'm still welcome." He grins. "Of course you are. You'll be there Christmas Eve, right?" I nod. "Have to see my family. Face the wrath of Petunia, you know?" He frowns. "You're welcome at any time, you know that, right?" He reassures me. I nod, forcing a smile. Petunia might be my sister, but that doesn't stop her from being the most horrid muggle to set foot on this earth. "Come on, let's pack for the train." 


"Bella, what are you doing for break?" She's been very quiet this ride, getting paler by the minute. "Oh, just going home." She says quietly. I nod, still worried for her. "Babe, you know you can come to James's, or Lily's right?" Sirius says, pulling her onto his lap. I see her force a look of happiness. "Of course, I would never want to intrude." I laugh. "You would never intrude." James nods. We don't know much about Bella's family life, but we know it's not good. She won't tell us anything except what she told me on the night of Sirius's birthday party. "Seriously, guys. I'll be fine." She tells us, but I still see worry and fear in her eyes. "You guys are all coming to my parents New Years Eve ball, right? I don't think I would survive it without you." James says, leaning back into the seat. Sirius mocks betrayal. "What, I'm not a sufficient date?" I roll my eyes.  "So, LILY, what did you get Jamsie-poo for Christmas?" Sirius says, leaning forward. I laugh. 

"Good try, bud. Not gonna happen." James groans, and hands Sirius a sickle. I laugh. "Just wait till Christmas. It's not that far away." James groans again, and wraps an arm around me. Remus gets up. "I'm going to find Mary and Alice." I look at him. "I think they're in our old compartment, going over some Charms club project." He nods, and left. Peter hurriedly makes up another excuse, and scurries out of there. Sirius watches thoughtfully as he leaves. "Always quiet, that one is." James shrugs. The trains comes to a stop suddenly, slamming on the brakes. I fly forward and land in James's lap. I blush, looking down at my lap. He smirks, amused. "Comfortable, are you?" He says. I roll my eyes and hop off his lap, kissing his cheek. "I will see you in a couple days, alright?" He kisses me again. "I'll miss you." He says softly. I smile. "I'll miss you too." 


"I'M HOME!" I yell, slamming the door to my childhood home closed. I lug the trunk in behind me, waving to the taxi driver as he backs out of the driveway. "Oh Lily!" My mum comes bustling over, wiping her hands on her apron. She stops in front of me, watching fondly. "Dear, it seems you've gotten more grown up already." She says, holding out her arms. I laugh and give her a hug. "I've only been gone for a couple of months, Mum." She wipes a small tear from her face. "It seemed like eternity." Petunia comes thundering down the stairs, stopping dead in her tracks when she sees me. She glares in disgust. "You're home." She says, monotone. I sigh. "Hey Tuney. Nice to see you too." Mum shakes her head. "Petunia, be nicer to your sister, please. She hasn't even be home for 15 minutes." Petunia glares at me some more. "Well maybe if she wasn't away at that freak school for the whole year, she could earn some more of my RESPECT." She sniffs at me. "My respect is very valuable. It's a privilege, not a right." She says, flouncing out the door. "Petunia!" My mother calls after her, hurrying out the door. I lean against the doorframe, closing my eyes. 

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