[Chapter One]

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It all started on a cool spring morning. The birds could be heard in the air singing their songs. The rustling of leaves dancing along the many paths of the forest. A young petite woman was walking along a trail. She knew every smell, every tree and creature that lived in this beautiful place. Although she loved the feel of the earth on her bare feet, her true calling was the sky. Her father forbid her to fly around freely unless it was absolutely necessary. He didn't want the enemy to find her and take her from him, but the young skin-changer wouldn't comply with her father's only rule.

Alyndra approached the edge of the cliff, she could hear the pounding of the waterfall beat against the rocks violently below her. She closed her eyes and her form fell into the air, falling towards the ground. She opened her eyes, only inches away from the rocks below when she became her true self. The woman climbed, until she was high in the sky where she belonged. The blue sky was so peaceful for her and a place where she could think about things.

The skin-changer glided over the forest of her home, in the clouds, seeing everything more in depth then she could when she was in her human form. Alyndra continued to soar through the sky when she heard the sound of her father calling her name. "Alyndra."

The woman knew exactly where her father was. He was standing on the back porch of their home. She changed directions to go back home. She flew lower and lower until she landed in a clearing near her home. She changed back into her human form. Quickly putting on her long sleeve and trousers, that she carried with her since she despised wearing a dress. Alyndra started to hustle towards her home when she stopped dead in her tracks.

"It's wonderful to see you again Alyndra. Though you were much younger when I met you." The old man said. She looked him over; he wore long grey robes, carrying a unique looking staff, had a grey pointy hat to match. Her first thoughts was he was a wizard and she eyes him suspiciously.

"Excuse me?"

"I know who you Alyndra. Your mother was dear friend of mine. It's a shame she was taken from this world so soon, and too soon from you my dear. But I was so happy to hear that she had a child that possessed her gift." He continued and without hesitation Alyndra pulled out her dagger and aimed it at the wizard, and he didn't move and a gruff chuckle escaped his lips. "Really child, are you really going to hurt me? I mean you no harm Alyndra."

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" She demanded.

"I am Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey. I'm a wizard." He introduced, taking note that she still hadn't lowered her weapon. "I know everything about you, including where your destiny lies." Alyndra narrowed her eyes, feeling confused. The wizard was talking to her in riddles.

"My destiny? Why are you here?" She questioned, getting irritated.

"Alyndra I have come here for your help. Myself and others are going on a task to reclaim an ancient homeland that has been taken by evil and it has sat there long enough, If we don't do something now, I fear all of Middle-Earth will be covered in darkness."

"Why me?" The skin-changer asked, lowering her weapon and folding her arms across her chest. She found it strange that of all people he would come to her, what could she do?

" My dear, you have an ability like no other. You know the sky and the lay of the lands. We need someone like you who can watch from above where we can't. I am telling you the truth Alyndra, that your mother Klarendra was a dear friend of mine. You may not know it, but your a lot like her, it's just so unfortunate you never really got to know her."

Alyndra continued to stay quiet. This was too much for her. She didn't know what to think of all this. This wizard showed up out of nowhere, claiming he knew her and her mother and that she had a destiny. Her thought's vanished when she heard her father calling for her again."Alyndra?"

"We are all gathering in the Shire and then we leave from there to the Lonely Mountain. Will you come?" The wizard asked. Looking her in the eyes. Alyndra looked at the ground and knew if her mother was still here she would do it, if it was the only way to prevent Middle-Earth from falling into complete darkness.

"Fine, i'll do it. I'll come, but I don't care who these others are, they can't know what I am."

The wizard nodded to her wishes. "We meet in the Shire in two days. I will see you there Alyndra." The wizard stated. The woman nodded and looked at the ground for only a second and went to ask the wizard something else, but as she looked up he had vanished. She let out a groan and headed for her home. Her father was in the back chopping wood.

"Father I'm home." Beorn turned around, dropping his axe and walked over to his child and hugged her tightly, like he hadn't seen her in months.

"I was worried about you. Where were you? Why didn't you answer when I called for you?" Beorn pressed.

"I was....distracted. I'm sorry father. I didn't mean to get you worried." Alyndra said.

" Just as long as you weren't flying carelessly in the sky, you know how I feel about that." Beorn reminded and he saw her look away. "Alyndra, how many times do I have to tell you. It is not safe when your in the sky."

" Father it's part of who I am. You can just expect me not to fly around. I'm not going to continue to hid for the rest of my life." She argued.

"Alyndra it's for your own safety." Beorn protested. The woman let a sigh. She would have to tell him. "What's wrong?"

"Father. I-i have to tell you something. " I'm leaving. A wizard came to me today and asked if I would join him on a quest to reclaim an ancient homeland from being taken over by darkness."

"No! You are not going anywhere it's too dangerous out there." Beorn roared. She knew he was going to be angry with her but she didn't want Middle-Earth to be covered in darkness.

"I already said I would join him and the others." Alyndra stated. Beorn looked at his daughter, with sadness in his eyes. He couldn't watch his only child leave unprotected. They were the only two left of their Kin and she was heading right into danger where she would surely be killed.

"No. You are staying here where it's safe." Beorn growled as he grabbed his child by the arm and started dragging her towards the house.

"Father please no. I have to do this. It's the right thing to do. I can't let Middle-Earth be consumed by evil. It will spread to our home land and everywhere else. You must let me do this. Please!" Alyndra begged him. Beorn looked right into his child's pleading eyes. He saw a glimpse of his wife Klarendra in her. She was like her mother. His wife believed they were put on this earth to protect it from evil. Beorn believed that too, until it killed her.

Beorn released his hold on his daughter. " Very well...if this is your wish." She nodded and smiled at her father.

"It is, father." She replied as she moved a few strands of her hair out of the way.

" Just promise me one thing. You return here alive." He begged her. She bit her lip, their was no way she could keep this promise. She was going on a dangerous quest and their was a good chance she may not return.

"I-I promise father. I'll come back alive." She went inside and packed a few things for herself. Beorn continued to chop wood. Feeling the anger with every swing he took. He didn't like knowing his child was going to be out there alone with a wizard. Alyndra came out of the house with one bag. Beorn dropped his axe and walked over to his daughter.

" You have to leave tonight?" Her father asked. She nodded. Beorn pulled her into a hug, holding her close to him. Alyndra returned the hug just as tight. She was going to miss her father very much and she hoped their path would cross again. Beorn kissed the top of her head. "I love you Alyndra, please be safe." Beorn whispered to her.

"I love you too father." She said as she pulled away. The woman smiled at her father and ran passed him and lifted into the air, changing into her animal form and soaring through the night. The man continued to watch until his daughter was out of sight. Whispering something to the sky above. " Klarendra. my love. Please watch over our daughter." and the skin-changer went into his home while the woman flew towards her destination.

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