[Chapter Twelve]

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Alyndra left her room in the middle of the night. She peered around the corner where the dwarves were all staying and they all seemed to be out for the night. The skin-changer started heading down the hall, she was actually looking forward to being up in the sky, it would give her sometime to think about everything that had just happened. The woman was still confused about Thorin. What was her father going to say, when he found out she had feelings towards a dwarf?

The skin-changer had just gotten down the last flight of stairs and started walking towards the forest when someone spoke from behind her. "Where do you think your sneaking off at this time of night?" Dwalin growled at her. She turned around and looked at him.

"I'm not sneaking off anywhere. I just need to get some air." She informed.

"At this time of night?" Dwalin questioned, not buying it for a second. She was hiding something and he wanted to catch her in the act.

"Why are you up?" She challenged.

" I don't trust you. Your not telling us everything and I'm going to find out whatever it is your hiding." He uttered at her as he turned and left. Alyndra starred in the direction the fearless dwarf had disappeared in. His threat plagued her mind. Once she felt she was alone, she disappeared through the trees and phased into her animal form and soared across the sky searching for that orc pack that had attacked them on the road a couple of days ago.

It was still dark in the morning. Alyndra was up, hoping maybe to sneak to the kitchen and find something to eat before she and the dwarves left. She had a strange dream last night and made no sense to her and at the same time it scared her. It felt so real. The woman quietly shut her door and started creeping down the pathway towards the kitchen. "Where are you sneaking off to?" Alyndra jumped at the sound of his voice.

" You scared me." She admitted, as she caught her breath.

" I'm sorry. I just didn't think I would see you up this early." He stated, pulling her towards him to kiss her and she pulled away to look at him with a smirk on her face.

"And why are you up this early then?" She giggled, running her fingers along his beard.

" I don't sleep very much these nights since the disappearance of my father." He admitted and let out a sigh. She pulled him into her arms.

" I'm sorry." She replied, feeling bad she laughed at him. He looked down at her and half smiled.

" It's not your fault. It was a long time ago, but you still didn't answer my question. Where were you sneaking off too?"

" I was heading to the elves kitchen, hoping to find something that wasn't green to eat." She joked. He let out a chuckled and then pulled her by her hand just a few steps over and grabbed a plate that was full of food of all sorts and he placed the plate in her hand.

" I thought you might be hungry. I was in their earlier." He snickered and he took her free hand and they walked down a path that lead to a grassy meadow place. She sat down beside him and began eating a bun.

" You might as well eat some too. I wont be finishing this plate by myself before the others wake up." She insisted and he rolled his eyes and began eating a piece of meat. He watched her chow down and he was shocked how much she could eat for a little person. He also noticed she was being a little tense, like something was bothering her.

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