[Chapter Thirty]

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Thorin explained his plan to the other dwarves and they all had to agree it was a long shot, but they might just have a small chance of making it out of this alive. " You, Bilbo and Balin are coming with me." Thorin instructed. " I have told the others to break up into pairs of two's and three's. We'll all take different halls, it's our best chance at getting passed the dragon." The dwarf explained and noticed the skin-changer was hesitant about this plan. " Alyndra are you alright?" Thorin asked as he came closer to her, his voice instantly going from serious to worry.

"Thorin...I just don't know about this plan. The dragon will be expecting something like this." Alyndra pressed in panic.

"Shh..shh Alyndra this plan is going to work. Don't worry I would never let the dragon get anywhere near you." Thorin whispered as he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lips and pulled her into his arms.

"Thorin...if we are to go through with this plan, we should go now." Balin urged. The dwarf prince nodded and grabbed the woman's hand and nodded for the others to take their halls and they hoped they would all see each other again.

"Come on! This way!" Thorin yelled, giving away their position so they could draw out the dragon as they ran across the bridge.

"Flee. Flee! Run for your lives. There is nowhere to hide!" Smaugs voice hissed as he glided towards them. Alyndra stopped dead in her tracks, still clutching Thorin's hand as she looked upon the beast that her kind feared above anything. The dragon sniffed the air. "Well...what are you?" He asked as he bared his teeth at her, coming closer. Thorin shoved her behind him, holding his sword in front of him seeing the beast chest beginning to glow.

"Behind you!" Dori cried out with his youngest brother and Bombur right behind him.

"Worm!" Ori insulted next and his face fell when he saw the dragon enraged and it let out a roar and chased after them instead.

"Come on, lets go!" Thorin ordered, yanking the skin-changer with him. Balin and Bilbo right behind them as they made it across the bridge and disappeared into the hall. Alyndra could still hear the other dwarves in the halls as they taunted the dragon to get him to come after them so the others could get away and the fear in her was only growing as they made hast down the hall and around the corner.

"This way. It's this way!" Balin yelled, stopping at an entrance to another hall. Bilbo stopped and then Alyndra as Thorin kept running, clearly hadn't heard the elder dwarf shouting.

"Thorin!" Bilbo shouted. The dwarf turned around to see the three of them standing by the entrance.

"Thorin come on!" Alyndra screamed when they all felt the ground quiver beneath their feet and then they heard a loud thump and the woman gasped when the three of them turned around to see the dragon had found them.

"Follow Balin!" Thorin ordered, his eyes not leaving the dragons. Balin had already shoved the hobbit through the hall but the woman had gotten away from him.

"Thorin! Run!" The skin-changer cried out but Thorin knew he had no time.

"Alyndra go! Now!" Thorin shouted as he took off running to the other end of the hall.

"Lass come on!" Balin called, grabbing the woman by her clothing and yanking her into the hall just as the dragon breathed fire, filling the entire area. The elder dwarf continued to push the skin-changer down the hall not letting her have the chance to run back. They were now in the forges. Alyndra looked around and saw that most of the dwarves had made it safely but their was a few that appeared to be missing. Where was Nori, Dwalin, Gloin, Bifur and Thorin?

A couple minutes passed and Thorin, Dwalin and Nori came running into the room.

"The plan's not gonna work. These furnaces are stone cold." Dwalin pressed.

" He's right. We've no fire hot enough to set them ablaze." Balin added not seeing the hope of this plan going any further.

"Have we not?" Thorin whispered, remembering the biggest fire starter that just laid outside the gate. They all looked at him slightly confused not sure what he was getting at, until they felt the ground around them shake again. " I did not look to see you so easily outwitted." Thorin sneered as he walked right up to the bars of the gate, seeing the beast emerge from the hole.

Alyndra and the others grew incredibly tense as the dwarf prince continue to enrage Smaug with his taunts. " You have grown slow and fat...in your dotage...slug!" Smaug growled at him and his chest began to light up a glowing orange color. Thorin turned around to the others. "Take cover." Thorin hissed through clenched teeth. The dwarves wasted no time and each took cover behind a pillar. Thorin yanked the skin-changer towards him, burying her face into his chest, just as the dragon unleashed its wrath on them. The flames blew passed them, the heat was excruciating as it whipped passed them. Thorin continued to cover Alyndra's face from the heat as the furnaces lit up.

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