[Chapter Thirty Nine]

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Alyndra's eyes slowly flew open. She jolted upwards, looking around confused when someone placed their hands on her shoulder to calm her. " Alyndra its alright." 

"Father. Your alright." The young woman cried as she threw her arms around him. Beorn hugged his child tightly and pulled away when he heard her soft cries. 

"Don't cry my child. I'm alright. You and your brother are safe," He whispered, placing a kiss on top of her head.

"W-where is Noah?" Alyndra panicked, remembering the last thing that happened before she blacked out. 

"Alyndra, he is fine. He's with Celestia." Beorn assured her. 

"Why is she even still here? She abandoned us the last time when our family was in danger." 

"Alyndra....your aunt Celestia never abandoned us that day.....I told her to leave and never show her face around here again after your mother died. I blamed her for years for your mother's death, but it was never her fault." The giant man began. Alyndra looked at him in confusion. 

"Why father? Why you tell me it was her fault. What all happened that day? And I want the truth." She demanded. Beorn sat on the edge of the bed and looked his daughter in the eyes as he took a deep breath before speaking again.

" Your mother and I had arranged that morning for you to spend a few day with your aunt at her place. She lived way on the other side of the forest. We waited till the afternoon and when she never came. I left to go make sure nothing had happened to her and your mother stayed home with you. I went in my bear form to get their faster, but when I got there I found her unconscious and beaten badly. The pale orc and his filthy orcs had tortured her nearly to death, questioning her on the whereabouts of the eagles and its leader." Alyndra could feel the stinging in her eyes as she fought hard to keep the tears from coming. Her whole life she had thought that day was nothing but her and her mother in the wrong place at the wrong time. But she had never been so wrong. That horrifying orc had made it his mission to wipe out her line just like Thorin's. " It never made sense to me why they kept her alive, even though she couldn't transform into an eagle she still had all their other abilities, but she had told them where we lived. I tried to get back as fast as I could but by the time I got.....back home...your mother had already been slaughtered...and you were missing. I searched three days for you before I found you in the forest of Mirkwood, about to be nearly eaten by one of those foul spiders."

So many emotions were going through the skin-changers mind. She barely remembered everything that had happened after that monster had pierced his blade through her mother's chest. She didn't even recall ever taking off into that forest but it did make sense why she always feared that forest since she was a small child. When they had lived closer to the borders of the Elven forest, it was a truly wonderful place to explore but over the years darkness had slowly crept it's way into the trees, poisoning them and bringing nasty fell things along with it.  One questioned still remained unanswered that day that never made sense to her and she feared she already knew the answer but she had to hear it. Alyndra had to compose herself through the tears that had already begun to pour down her face. 

"W-why didn't the eagles sense she was hurt? Why didn't mother just shift into an eagle?! Was she with child?" Alyndra cried. Beorn had to clear his own face of tears as he relived that day in his mind all over again. 

"I had no idea at the time. Only one person new at the time. Celestia told me and that's when I ordered her never to come back here again. I blamed her for not signaling the eagles to get to her and get you both out. It never occurred to me that she was already too weak from the brutal attack that she didn't have enough energy to make a connection to them. And not been being able to shift into an eagle like your mother and you, the eagles wouldn't be able to sense she had been attacked." Beorn finished, looking at his child with pain on his face. "And when the eagles lost connection with you, I feared the worst had happened to you, that you had been.....killed and I was going to haunt down that filth and kill him, if it was the last thing I would do, but I had no idea Azog and his pack were already waiting for me and captured me and tortured me for information on the rest of the eagles."

Alyndra buried her face in her fathers chest as he held her close. It hurt her more now that she knew the truth that her mother had sacrificed not only herself but also her unborn sister or brother to save her. " You're with child aren't you?" Beorn asked softly. 

The young woman nodded and looked at her father and smiled. " I am father. You're going to be a grandfather." she praised. 

"You're mother would have been overjoyed to see this if she were still with us." Beorn added as he released his hold around his daughter and helped her off the bed to get a good look at her, but his expression quickly fell when he noticed the bruises around her arm and a cut on her check that still wasn't completely healed. He carefully took hold of her arm to get a better look at the discolored skin. " Who did this to you?" 

" Father, he never meant it. I know he didn't." Alyndra pressed, removing her arm out of her father's hand. 

"Thorin did this to you. That dwarf promised me he would never allow harm to come to you and he couldn't even protect you from himself." Beorn growled in disgust. "Does he know?" Alyndra shook her head.  "If I see that dwarf, i'll kill him myself. I should have known dwarves can't love anything as mush as they love their gold." the man spat.

"No father. I know he never meant to do it....it...its the arkenstone making him this way. Father please don't hurt him. I love him and I know he loves me. He's the father of my child." Alyndra pleaded to him. Beorn pulled his daughter back into a hug, whispering that he was sorry for his cruel words, though if did ever see the dwarf prince again, he would be having a talk with him. 

Meanwhile back in Erebor. Thorin had only gotten worse. He was fearing for his gold and ordered his men to get the gate rebuilt immediately before the people of Lake-town came knocking on their door, demanding a share of his treasure. The dwarf had completely forgotten about the skin changer and continued to stay in the treasure room searching for his arkenstone. A few days had gone by and sure enough they saw that the city of Dale were now guarded with an army of elves. Bard had asked for Thorin to keep his promise he had made, but Thorin refused, infuriated he had gotten the elves involved now. 

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