[Chapter Twenty Five]

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The barge was moving once again and the dwarves made it clear their disgust and how uncomfortable they were with their continuous groans from inside the barrels. The young woman wasn't sure how much longer she was going to last. The smell was making her feel sick to her stomach. Dwalin grumbled the loudest and the bowman kicked his barrel and hushed him. " Quiet! Were approaching the toll gate."

" Halt!" A man's voice ordered and the barge came slowly to a stop. "Goods inspection! Papers, please! Oh, it's you, Bard."

" Morning. Percy." Bard greeted as he stepped over to the other man and gave his papers to him to look over.

" Anything to declare?"

" Nothing, but that I am cold and tired...and ready for home." Bard admitted.

" You and me both." Percy agreed as he walked back into his office and stamped the papers and went to give them back to the bowman. " There we are, all in order."

" Not....so fast." A new voice spoke this time. "'Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland Realm.'" the rude man read out loud. " Only...they're not empty...are they, Bard? If I recall correctly, you're licensed as a bargeman. Not a fisherman."

" That's none of your business." Bard growled at the man.

" Wrong. It's the master's business, which makes it my business."

" Oh, come on, Alfrid, have a heart, people need to eat."

" These fish are illegal." Alfrid stated as he tossed a single fish into the water." Empty the barrels over the side." He ordered the guards.

" You heard him. In the canal." The captain of the guard ordered his men. " Come on. Get a move on."

" Folk in this town are struggling. Times are hard. Food is scarce." Bard explained, trying to reason with this man to stop the guards from dumping the barrels of fish. Alyndra felt hers and Thorins begin to tip and she fell back against the part of the barrel that was being tipped and Thorin braced himself against the other side trying to make it difficult for the guards to dump it.

" That's not my problem." Alfrid stated.

"And when the people hear the master is dumping fish back in the lake....when the rioting starts...will it be your problem then?"

" Stop." Alfrid ordered. The guards let out grunts as they tipped the barrels back over and got off the barge. "Ever the people's champion, eh, Bard? Protector of the common folk. You might have their favor now, bargeman, but it won't last."

" Raise the gate!" Percy instructed

" The master has his eye on you. You'd do well to remember: we know where you live." Alfrid hissed.

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