[Chapter Six]

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Alyndra had returned to the ground back in her human form sometime in the night and crept ever so quietly back to her resting spot. It was then she noticed her folded up cloak that was cushioned, she didn't have the faintest idea who it could have been, none of these dwarves had made her feel welcomed since she accompanied them from the hobbit's hole. She placed the cushioned cloak under her head and fell asleep.

It wasn't until early morning that she awoke when something wet came in contact with her skin. She opened her eyes and looking up into the sky and saw it was raining. The woman groaned and forced herself to get up. Alyndra noticed she was the only one awake and she marched right over to the dwarf prince and nudged his leg with her foot and opened one eye to see who it was. " What do you want?" he grumbled, slowly sitting up and rubbing a hand over his face and looked at the young woman, with neither a smile nor a glare. " Unless you want all our supplies ruined by this rain, I suggest you get your other dwarf comrades up and we leave now." Alyndra growled at him and stomped off. The dwarf got up, still glaring after her and looked around at his sleeping companions.

" Get up. We must leave now." Thorin demanded. The dwarves and the hobbit all let out annoyed sighs but got up at their leaders command. It didn't take them long to pack their things and attach them to their ponies and then they were off. Alyndra was in the middle of the group, she lef out a yawn.

" Didn't you get any sleep last night?" Bilbo asked in a concerned manner, coming up to her side.

" Not as much as I would have liked." She admitted The hobbit seemed to understand, though his reason for thinking she didn't get much sleep was much different then the real reason. Her night patrol was long and tiring. She spotted an orc pack a couple of leagues behind them, though she was not sure of their true intentions if they were following them or just there by coincident's.

"Yes. These dwarves make it quite hard to get any sort of rest." The hobbit complained. Alyndra smirked, she was starting to like this hobbit.

"Oh your telling me especially when there snoring it's impossible to even attempt to sleep." She complained, loud enough for Thorin to hear who was travelling just in front of her. Bilbo looked at the dwarf, scared he might turn around and say something. Alyndra smirked. Thorin let out a low grumble.

The trudged through the forest along the muddy path. The dwarves were grumbling and complaining of this uneventful day. Their supplies was drenched along with their clothing and bedrolls. Most of the dwarves had pulled their hoods over their heads to keep somewhat dry. The hobbit, unfortunately did not prepare himself for weather such as this and shivered in the coldness.

Alyndra nudged her pony to catch up the wizard to tell him about her nights patrol. " Alyndra, I was wondering were you were at." Gandalf stated, looking at her. She cocked an eyebrow, she hadn't gone anywhere. " Tell me about last nights patrol."

" I think an orc pack is following us." The wizard snapped back in her direction, wondering why orcs would be following them, no one knew of the quest they were on.

" Are you sure?" Gandalf asked.

" Their at least two, maybe three days behind us. I'll keep an eye on them on tonight's patrol and see if they have come any closer." Alyndra pressed. Gandalf nodded and they spoke no more of this when the hobbit had approached them, and Alyndra made her way further up in the group. She was only a few dwarves behind the leader. The woman wasn't sure how much longer she could put up with the dwarf prince, he was making her feel so angry when he was near her and when he looked at her with those icy blue eyes, her thoughts were clouded and she didn't like it.

She could even believe that she allowed this thought to even enter her mind. The woman thought he was quite handsome for a dwarf and a grump. She thought about what it would be like to just be lost, staring in his eyes and she slapped herself to wake up from that disturbing thought. She didn't like dwarves and now she was having these thoughts for one, she could already imagine what her father would say if he knew she had these thoughts for such a dwarf.

As the day went on, the rain had finally cleared off and the sun came out. The dwarves removed their hoods and hoped with this sunshine their gear and supplies would dry. It was growing late out, the sun would be disappearing behind the mountains in a few hours. They came to clearing that was overgrown with tall grass, it looked as if no one had lived her for years. Alyndra glanced around at the area and got a strange feeling that something wasn't right here. She also noticed the remains of what used to be a home and it had been destroyed by something big.

" We'll camp here for the night." Thorin declared, dismounting and walked passed the others. " Fili, Kili, look after the ponies, make sure you stay with them." The two brothers nodded and went to gather the ponies and led them over to the forest were their was also the remains of some stables that had been also over grown with weeds, " Oin, Gloin. Get a fire going." Thorin ordered as he went to talk to the wizard. The dwarves got to work will their stubborn leader had a talk with the wizard privately. Not much time passed and the wizard came storming passed them all, leaving them. The hobbit looked around nervously, the wizard was leaving them, for what Thorin had to say and when the wizard left he ordered Bombur to prepare their meal.

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