[Chapter Sixteen]

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The dwarves and wizard were soon being chased by the orcs and wargs and their greatest enemy the pale orc. Thorin fought against the pale orc until he was laying on the ground unconscious, slowly fading from the wound the white warg had inflected on the dwarf prince. Alyndra was in the lead of the other eagles, she recognized the place her vision happened. It was just on the other side of the Misty Mountains.

It was already dark when a little moth came fluttering near her and whispered a message from the wizard that he was in need of their help. Alyndra told the moth to report back to the wizard to tell him they were close by. She signaled for the others, they needed to move faster. Alyndra was coming up the side of the mountain. The skin changers eyes went wide at the sight in front of her. Her nightmare had come true. The trees were on fire. A few dwarves were hanging on to the branches of a tree that was leaning precariously towards the gorge below and then she saw it. The monster that had killed her mother in front her when she was little was now stalking towards the hobbit that was backing away from him and his white warg and then her brown eyes looked at the dwarf that laid on the ground not moving and her heart sank at the thought that appeared in her mind.

The eagles began surrounding the cliff, Azog turned around in surprise at the sounds of their cry's. One of the eagles flew passed the pale orc snatching a few wargs and tossing them over the edge. Another eagle knocked over a tree, trapping a few wargs underneath. Alyndra caught a few wargs that were surrounding Fili, Kili and Dwalin and flew over Dwalin, causing him to duck as she tossed the wargs to the darkness below, while another eagle used it's wings to blow the flames at approaching wargs, catching them on fire. Azog roared in anger as the eagles took out his pack.

A few of the eagles came at the other wargs that surrounded the dwarves, snatching them while Alyndra came in and picked up Thorin and his sword in her talons and carried him away from the danger. She cried out to the other eagles to get the remaining dwarves. The eagles cried out when they had the others and they flew away towards the sky away from the danger, hearing Azog roaring furiously with what was left of his forces.

It was a tiring night for both the company and the eagles. The sun was already coming up as they continued on across the sky. Alyndra shuttered when she heard the shouts from the oldest nephew for their uncle and she suddenly felt Thorin's body go limp in her talons and a pain shot through her not wanting to think he was dead, that she and the others were too late.

They flew over mountains, surrounded by clouds and followed down a waterfall that came to a valley. In the middle of it was a giant rock shaped like a bear. One of the eagles cried out to Alyndra that this was as far as they were willing to go and the others began to surround the rock hovering above, waiting for the woman to gently place the dwarf prince on the flat surface of the rock. The skin-changer flew to a lower section of the rock and changed back into her human form and got her clothes on and she dashed back up, her heart racing. Most of the dwarves had been let off by the eagles. The wizard was at Thorin's side and the woman froze at the sight of the dwarf's still form.

The wizard whispered a few words as he placed a hand over the dwarfs face and his eyes opened. Alyndra couldn't see what was happen. The dwarves had gathered around their wounded prince. Thorin was struggled to get up, and he was quickly assisted by his youngest nephew and Dwalin when he shrugged them both off. " You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed!" Thorin roared. Alyndra felt a relief go through her when she heard his voice, but he was angry at the hobbit, for saving his life. " Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild? That you had no place amongst us?"

Alyndra couldn't understand where all this was coming from. She could see through the tiny spaces of the dwarves the hobbit was frightened of him and she felt sorry for him and she wanted to hit Thorin for saying this stuff to him. "I have never been so wrong in all my life." The hobbit looked up in shock when the dwarf prince embraced him in a grateful hug. Alyndra couldn't help but smile. " But I'm sorry I doubted you."

"No, I would have doubted me too. " The hobbit admitted. " I'm not a hero or a warrior. Not even a burglar." The dwarves chuckled. Alyndra turned when the eagles cried out to her that they were leaving and the dwarves and hobbit watched as they took off.

Thorin turned around to look at them, and had to look twice when he saw a face he didn't think he wold ever see again. He started walking forward. " Alyndra." She smiled and ran over to his arm and he held her tightly and didn't give her time to say anything when he crashed his lips against hers, grateful to see her alive. The two of them pulled apart and she ran her fingers softly over his face and beard, with tears in her eyes. " I guess I owe you my thanks as well." He said smiling at her.

" Thorin. I thought I was never going to see again." Alyndra cried, as she rested her head against his chest, not wanting him to let her go.

" I'm sorry.. I was blinded by rage for my grandfather's death. And seeing Azog. My mind immediately filled with revenge for my family, and I didn't think what terrible position I put you in."

" Just promise me you wont do that again." She begged him. He lifted her chin to look her in the eyes.

"I promise." The dwarf pressed his lips against her forehead holding her when he spotted something else and he released her. Thorin took her hand and pulled her with him as he walked towards the edge of the ledge with the others quickly behind him.

"Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo said.

" Erebor." The wizard answered. "The Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle-Earth."

" Our home." Thorin declared, as he continued to stare at the breath taking sight longingly. Alyndra's head snapped up when she heard a bird chirp over their heads flying towards the mountain.

" Look a raven. The birds are returning to the mountain," Oin insisted

" That, my dear Oin, is a thrush. " Gandalf corrected.

" But we'll take it as a sign. A good omen." Thorin stated, as he looked down at the woman and the hobbit with a smile and he pulled her closer to him.

" You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us." Bilbo agreed. The company all took in the beautiful sight. They were nearing their destination, but knew they still had a long road before they reached it.

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