[Chapter Seven]

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After the dwarves had gotten everything set up, and supper on the way. Fili and Kili were sent to watch the ponies for the night. Alyndra was sitting far away from everyone else. The wizard hadn't returned after his disagreement with the prince and she was beginning to think this might be the last time they all saw him. The young woman was sitting on a rock, holding a necklace that she had been given by her mother when she was only three, her mother told her it held great power and if she ever wanted to find her all she had to was just speak into the necklace and she would come.

After her mother died, she called into it many times trying to find her mother, and in hopes she would come back that she wasn't dead, and she gave up on the belief that the necklace was magical, She only kept it because it was the only thing left of her mother she had.

Alyndra heard the sound of someone approaching, she looked to her side to see it was Thorin. " Come to see if you can get me to storm off now?" She hissed at him. His blood was beginning to boil, this woman was beginning to get on his nerves.

" No. I came over here to ask you why you disappeared the other night." Thorin questioned in a stern voice, ignoring her cheeky remark. Alyndra froze, she assumed he was talking about her late night patrol, she didn't think she let anyone see her leave and she wasn't sure how she was going to explain this one. " You left when Balin spoke of the Pale Orc" Thorin continued, when he noticed she was hesitant to answer him.

" Please I don't want to hear that filth's name." Alyndra shuttered, Thorin looked at the skin-changer in surprised and found himself feeling curious as to how exactly she knew of the pale orc. She was not nearly as old as he was, if he had to guess he would say she looked younger than his nephews. A thought had crossed his mind that maybe it was the stories that scared her.

" How do you know of Azog the Defiler?" Thorin dared to ask, she let out a sigh before speaking and looked down at the necklace that was in the shape of an eagle.

"Azog the Defiler, killed my mother in front of me when I was only five years old and nearly took my father too." Thorin now understood why she left, and didn't mean to bring back painful memories that she had buried so deep with in her. He knew the two of them were not exactly fond of each other since this quest begun but to have her open up to him about this, made him think differently of her suddenly.

" I am sorry, I didn't mean to bring back such a terribly time for you." Thorin began, feeling like a complete idiot.

" It's okay, you didn't know. It was a long time ago." Thorin looked down at the piece of jewelry in her hand and noticed it was made entirely out of Mithril. He glanced at her, she was defiantly not a dwarf, she couldn't be from Moria. She looked more human, though she was quite short for one. Her beauty was beyond that of any elf he had met. He still couldn't figure out what she was, but decided not to ask, instead he asked something else.

" Where did you get that?"

" It was given to me from my mother. She used to tell me it held great power." she admitted. letting out a slight chuckle as a tear came down her face and she quickly whipped it away before he noticed.

" May I?" He asked her, she placed the necklace carefully in his hand and wondered what he was going to do with it. " You know this is made from Mithril by my kin in the ancient kingdom of Moria." He said, almost with a slight hint of pride that she was in the possession of something dwarvish, when she didn't look like one. " Why an eagle?"

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