[Chapter Eighteen]

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Alyndra hadn't said anything, she had to blink a few times to make sure he was still real. "Drakin? Your alive." She finally spoke. The figure approached out of the shadows into the light. He pulled the woman into a hug.

" Alyndra, I thought I was never going to see you again." Drakin exclaimed. The woman was hesitant with the embrace but returned it. Thorin realized this had to be her best friend that she had mentioned when they were in Rivendell. Drakin went to kiss her when she turned away and let go of him, and Thorin saw.

" I can't." She stated. He went to try again when Thorin yanked the woman behind him with his sword drawn and Drakin recognized him and laughed.

" Well if it isn't the great Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain." Thorin said nothing but continued to glare at the man in front of him. He was a few inches taller then he was. " Alyndra, tell me your not with these dwarves?" The skin changer came out from behind Thorin.

" I am." She declared in a serious tone. He shook his head at her in disgust.

" Didn't one of them nearly kill you weeks ago?" Drakin stated as he eyed the dwarves suspiciously. " You know your father will kill them all when he finds out, you have them hiding out in the house."

" No he wont. " She snapped back.

" Aly, where's popa?" Noah asked, as he clung to her side. She bent down to look at him and smiled.

" Popa will be back in the morning." She promised him. He held her hand and hid behind her, scared of all the new faces in his home.

" Why don't you go to bed boy!" Drakin snapped, Alyndra snapped her head in his direction. She couldn't believe this. Drakin was acting odd. He was never like this before he disappeared. She remembered how sweet he used to be and so kind, even to strangers and now it was like she didn't even know him.

" Leave the lad alone, he's just a child." Thorin growled back and the two of them approached each other when the skin-changer stepped in between them.

" Enough!" She yelled. Alyndra pulled Thorin away to the side. " I need to talk to him alone." She began but Thorin would not have that. After what he witnessed him trying to do to her in front of all them.

" No, I will not have you alone with him." Thorin hissed, not changing his mind. He glared over her head at Drakin, knowing he would try anything to make the dwarf mad. Alyndra cupped the dwarf's face in her hands, for him to look at her.

" You don't have to worry about anything happening." She assured him. " You can trust me."

" I do trust you, I don't trust him not to try the same thing he tried when he hugged you." Thorin pressed. She closed her eyes, looking at the ground shaking her head with a smile forming. She had never heard him so jealous before and she looked back up at him and pressed her lips to his and she pulled away, knowing they weren't alone.

" Thorin I meant what I said back in Rivendell, if this day came. My feelings for you haven't changed, but I ask that you trust me to do this." Thorin sighed but nodded and pressed his lips to her forehead.

" Be careful." Thorin whispered against her head

" Could you watch my brother Noah, make sure he's not left alone." She asked him and he nodded. Alyndra looked at her brother who was still a little frightened. " Noah, this is Thorin. He's going to be staying with you until I come back." The young boy looked up at the dwarf and then at his sister.

" Okay Aly." He said and hugged his sister and the woman turned around to face Drakin. He wasn't looking at Alyndra but glaring at the dwarf who was doing the same thing.

"What's happened to you Alyndra?" Drakin stated as he shook his head at her.

" We need to talk." She grumbled at him. He started walking with the skin changer giving Thorin one last look over his shoulder and the two of them left outside into the forest. The dwarves and wizard had picked places throughout the skin-changers home. Thorin was the only one left awake. The woman had been gone for a couple of hours and he began to think he shouldn't have let her go alone with him. He glanced at the young boy that was fast asleep and he did another round throughout the house. He heard the back door being opened and shut and he dashed over to see if it was her.

" Alyndra. Thank Durin your alright. I've been worried." He whispered, as he pulled her into his arms and holding her close, like he hadn't seen her in years.

" I'm fine. Where's my brother?" She asked.

" He's alright. He's sleeping over their in the stacks of hay." He assured her. She went to leave to go see him when Thorin stepped in front of her and grabbed her by the arms. " Alyndra where did you go, you were gone for hours--" He stopped when he saw the fresh cuts on her forehead and when she flinched at his touch when he gripped her arms. He let go of her arms and pushed the arm sleeve up and saw the fresh bruises on both her arms. " Alyndra he hurt you." Thorin stated, fuming at the thought that occurred in his mind. She pushed the clothing back down over her arms.

" I just don't understand. He was never like this before he disappeared, and then he just attacked me."

" You should have just listened to me and not have gone with him like I begged you not too!" Thorin snapped a little harsher then he meant to, as he paced around the kitchen. He realized she had tears coming down her eyes and he walked over to her, and apologized for yelling at her and he wrapped his arms around her. He let her go and went to go find a cloth to clean her cuts. The dwarf got her to sit down at the table and he gently place the cloth on her cut to clean it, after he was done he pulled her to her feet. " Come you need sleep, your exhausted." He pointed out, and she didn't argue with him.

The dwarf laid on the ground and pulled her close to him. He wrapped his arm around her as she rested her head on his chest and he held her other hand and kissed the top of her head and the two of them fell asleep.

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