[Chapter Ten]

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 It was beyond quiet above the cave. The fighting had stopped. "I can't see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or no?" Dwalin questioned.

"Follow it of course. Unless you want to head straight for the wargs and elves." Alyndra declared, walking pass the warrior. Thorin slightly smirked. Dwalin hissed something under his breath and followed behind the others who were following behind the young woman. The skin changer had no problem fitting through the tight spaces of the walls but she heard the commotion behind her when it came to the dwarves trying to squish through.

She could see the light from above until the pathway eventually led out to an opening to a beautiful sight below. Surrounded by waterfalls. Alyndra stood on the step below Thorin, she wasn't looking at him, but she could feel his intense glare when he realized where the wizard had led them. ​​" The Valley of Imladris. In the common tongue, it's known by another name." The wizard proclaimed coming out from behind the dwarves. The hobbit stood beside the woman. The sight below took his breath away.

" Rivendell."

"Here lies the last homely house east of the sea." Gandalf added. Thorin was livid and turned around to the wizard.

"This was you plan all along." Thorin snapped. Alyndra turned around and glared at the dwarf. "To seek refuge with out enemy."

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself." The wizard growled back, but even Alyndra found it a little odd the wizard would bring them here since dwarves and elves didn't like each other.

"You think the elves are going to give this quest their blessing?" Alyndra cut in and Thorin looked at her as did the wizard. "They will stop us." The dwarf nodded, which suprised him that he would actually agree with the woman for once.

"Of course they will, but we have questions that need to be answered." Gandalf pressed to them. Thorin let out a sigh, but decided the wizard was right, Alyndra wanted to leave. If these elves were anything like the ones from Mirkwood they would never let them leave." If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact, and respect. And no small degree of charm. Which is why you will leave the talking to me." and no more was said. The wizard led the way down the pathway into Rivendell.

The company looked around in awe at the beauty of this valley and saw a few elves and they grew tense, keeping their weapons firmly in their hands. The hobbit was the only one that was relaxed. He had always wanted to come to meet the elves and to visit their lands.They came to a halt on a platform. They didn't have to wait long when they were approached by an elf with dark hair. " Mithrandir!"

" Ah, Lindir." Gandalf greeted. Thorin whispered to his best warrior to stay sharp. The elf and wizard approached each other and began speaking in elvish. Alyndra folded her arms getting impatient. The dwarves were murmuring amongst themselves wondering what the two of them were talking about. "I must speak with Lord Elrond." Gandalf pressed.

" My Lord Elrond is not here." The elf stated.

" Not here? Where is he?" But no answer was need. It was clear where he was when a familiar horn was heard from behind them. The dwarves turned around to see the elves on horses coming towards them at a rapid speed. Thorin yelled something in Dwarvish. The woman having no idea what he said and she didn't move from her position until someone pulled her back into the middle of the group and she looked to see it was Thorin.

The elves began to circled them and the dwarves only gripped their weapons tighter and would go down with a fight if they had to. " Gandalf." An elf called out.

"Lord Elrond." The two of them began speaking in elvish and the dwarves were glaring at the wizard with anger. Alyndra put her weapon away and the dwarves slowly lowered there's. The elf approached Thorin.

"Welcome, Thorin, Son of Thrain."

" I do not believe we have met." Thorin stated, with attitude.

" You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain.

" Indeed. He made no mention of you." The dwarf insulted and Alyndra rolled her eyes. The elf turned away from the dwarf and looked at the woman. She look a lot like someone he met years ago.

" You must be Alyndra daughter of Klarendra." The skin changer turned to look at the elf, wondering how he knew that name.

" How do you know my mother?" She questioned rudely.

" Your mother was a dear friend of mine. It's terrible what happened to her." She fought back a tear that was trying to come out. She didn't like it when anyone brought up her mother. Thorin noticed the anguish on her face and glared at the elf to leave her alone. He turned from the girl and spoke in elvish once again.

" What is he saying? Does he offer us insult!" Gloin barked, pushing his way through the others with his weapon at the ready.

" No master Gloin he is offering you food" Gandalf cut in before the dwarf tried to make a fool of himself. The dwarves murmured to each other before proceeding.

" Well in that case, lead on." Gloin insisted with a much more calmer tone. The dwarves followed behind the elf and wizard up the steps. Thorin moved out of the way and let the woman go up first. He looked to his side only to receive a strange look from Dwalin and Balin and the prince went next. They were led out to a courtyard and food was already prepared. Lord Elrond offered the young woman to sit at his table instead of being with the messy dwarves. She accepted and took a seat across from Thorin. She glanced down at her plate that was filled with salad. It was very unappealing to her as she would have preferred meat . The elf was examining The dwarf's and wizards elven swords that they had found. Thorin continued to sneak glances's at the woman, she looked so different with an elven dress on as suppose to her normal wear which consist of trousers and tunics.

The woman caught him a few times looking at her and it was making her feel uncomfortable and yet she would do the odd stare back at him. The skin changer suddenly got up abruptly from the table and walked away. Ever since the elf had mentioned her mother's name, it was all she thought about. Thorin got up and did the same only a couple minutes after the woman and he stood by her.

"Are you alright?" The prince asked her in concern. Which she was starting to find extremely odd of him.

" I'm fine." She answred not wanting to talk about it. The dwarves began to break out in song. Thorin offered her a drink from his flask and she took it. She had been on edge since the elf had brought up her mother. She missed her terribly. Food was suddenly being tossed through the air and the elves were not impressed. The woman turned to her side and that's when Thorin noticed the feather caught in her hair. He reached over and took it out, causing her to look at him.

"This was in your hair." He quickly said handing it too her,

"Keep it. She replied and he looked at her oddly and then the feather. The dwarves threw food around, Alyndra had to duck a few times.

Thorin, Balin, Bilbo, and the wizard went with the elf to figure out the map and when the dwarves and elves were asleep the woman went to patrol.

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