[Chapter Fourteen]

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Alyndra's eyes slowly fluttered opened. Her sight was still blurry as she glanced around her surroundings she recognized some of the stuff in the room and she realized she was back at home. The skin-changer slowly sat up, flinching in slight pain.

"Aly!" a little boy cried out. The young woman glance up and smiled as the little boy came and jumped on her bed and on her making her let out a grunt but took the hug willingly from the little boy.

"Noah" She exclaimed. The little boy was still hugging her and he kissed her on the cheek.

" Noah, Didn't I tell you, your sister needs to rest." The boy let go of the woman and looked at the tall man that appeared in the room.

" Sorry popa." Noah mumbled.

" Come on. How about you go attend to the ponies." Beorn suggested giving his son a smile. Noah nodded and ran out of the room and outside. Beorn walked over to the bed side. " How are you feeling?"

" It doesn't hurt.... as much." She admitted. " How long have been out?" The man sat on a chair beside the bed and looked at his daughter.

" You've been out for a few days." The woman looked at him confused. She had only been attack yesterday, she thought? Had she really been here already for three days? Alyndra instantly thought of Thorin, she hoped he and the others were alright. " Alyndra. What happened? Who attacked you?" Beorn questioned, his face was full of anger, just at the thought of anyone hurting his child. He wanted to find whoever was responsible and make them pay for what they did.

" I don't want to talk about it." She insisted, wanting to forget that horrible day.

" I should have never let you go with that wizard. I feared something like this would happen. Alyndra you are staying here." The skin changer stated. Her face fell and she looked at the floor. How could she not go back? Thorin was out there.. and the others.

" I have to go back. I promised Gandalf that I would join them on this quest and I intend to go until the end."

" No! That wizard nearly got you killed! You are staying here where it's safe. I won't have you out in the wild, while I'm here fearing someones going to take you away from me. There is not many of us left Alyndra, your the only female eagle left of your race. If they lose you, your race will be lost. I can not lose you like I lost your mother." Beorn pressed, his face filled with pain.

Alyndra felt the tears coming down her face. The thought of never seeing Thorin again, killed her. She couldn't wait for him until he reclaimed the mountain for him to come back to her, that's if he survived. The woman went to get out of bed when Beorn stopped her. " I'm not letting you leave Alyndra, I'm sorry I have to do it this way but it's for your own safety." Beorn insisted. The man got up and locked the door behind him and went to check on Noah.

The woman groaned in frustration. She laid their starring at the ceiling and eventually fell back asleep. She saw fire, tree's burning, wargs, orcs, the dwarves, They were trapped. Alyndra snapped awake breathing fast, feeling the sweet coming down her forehead. As she wondered what that meant? This was the second time she had an intense dream that had felt so real. She got out of bed and walked over to her window. She glanced up at the moon and prayed Thorin and the others were alive and that what she saw was just a scary dream but she had a feeling this was no dream at all and the thought scared her.

Meanwhile the dwarves had taken refuge in a cave from the thunderous storm they had walked into. They barely escaped the stone giants that were only to be nothing more than pure legend around the world, until now. Thorin had taken a spot by his nephews to rest, but all he thought about was the woman. She didn't look well when she was taken. Thorin was still trying to wrap his head around the fact, Dwalin would attack her. The prince new he had been suspicious about her, but he never imagined he would do this. Thorin tried to get some rest, but he had too much on his mind and his night only got worse when he over heard the hobbit whispering quietly with Bofur that he was going back to Rivendell. That he was not cut out for this. Thorin scoffed at this to himself, he could have told the hobbit that himself, when he first met him that he didn't think, this little fragile creature had it in him to survive in the wild. He was just a scared infant child that wanted to retreat back into the comforts of his home. The next thing, the dwarves are falling through the cave floor.

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