[Chapter Forty Three]

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"Someone get him out of here now!" Oin shouted in frustration. Dwalin and Gloin had to practically drag their king out of the healing room so Oin could focus on the job at hand and he couldn't with Thorin pestering him over and over. Thorin shoved both his warriors off of him. He looked at his hands, they were still lathered in her blood.

"I don't think's she's going to make it." Thorin muttered to no one in particular as he began pacing the hall in front of the healing quarters.

"Thorin. She'll make it she's a strong one." Dwalin encouraged, remembering the last time she had been wounded badly.

"Dwalin this is worse. It- it should have been me. Not her. What about Kili? Where is he? Has anyone seen him? Has he come back?" Before either of them could say anything else the door into the chambers swung open to reveal a mournful Oin. "Oin..."

"I'm sorry laddie. S-she's gone. She lost to much blood, there was nothing I could do." Oin explained. Thorin shoved by the medic and ran over to the Skin changers side. Oin had redressed her, so she would no longer be exposed and her eyes were closed.

"Alyndra...no, no, no, you can't leave me. Come back." Thorin begged, cradling her face in his hands. Thinking she would wake up anytime now, but she never did. " Alyndra..." The king whispered as his emotions finally got the best of him. He pulled her against him and held her. The others had vacated, leaving their king to grieve. Thorin laid her head back down gently. He removed the strands of her hair that was laced in blood off her face and he leaned down and pressed his lips against her cold ones and pulled away. " I am so sorry." Thorin moved a chair over to the bed and sat down and held her hand in his. He knew they would have to move her. What was he going to tell her father? He promised him he would keep his daughter safe and he failed to do so. The dwarf couldn't find the strength to get up. He just stared, knowing it should be him lying there right now.

A day had gone by. Thorin still had yet to remove himself from her side or get any sleep for that matter. He just wanted this nightmare to be over. He wished none of this had happen. He also learned that both his nephews were gone. He felt truly alone now. His sister was going to be so devastated when he tells her. Thorin had barely heard the door open and did not bother to look up when he heard Dwalin's voice.

"Thorin...Alyndra's father is here..." He sighed heavily.

" Let him in." Thorin replied sorrowfully. Beorn stepped foot into the room. Eyeing Alyndra laying on the bed, ever so still and then he took the sight of Thorin, still clinging to his daughter's hand. " Have you come to kill me?" Thorin asked, sounding like he welcomed it at this point. He had nothing left to live for. It had been taken from him so quickly.

"No...As much as I would like to blame my daughter's death on you. That would be the last thing Alyndra would want me to do." Beorn stated sadly. Glancing once again at his dead child. "She wasn't lying..." Beorn began, catching the Dwarf's attention. " you do have a son and daughter."

Thorin furrowed his brows at this and shook his head. "It's impossible. She showed no sign that she was with child for time she was in the mountain....before I made her leave." Thorin replied, still feeling guiltier then ever for causing her to leave the mountain in the first place.

"Skin changers don't show any signs when their with child until the final stages before its time for them to be born. Unfortunately it also means they are more at risk, because it stops their ability to change into their animal. Which is what happened with my wife. I had no idea she was carrying another child when she was killed." The giant man explained.

"W-where are they?" Thorin finally asked, though he felt he didn't deserve the gift to be a father. How could he care for them without their mother? What was he going to tell them, when the time came?

"Their safe back home with my wife's sister. A few of the eagles left yesterday to get them and bring them here. The only thing I ask of you is will you honor my daughter's wishes and take care of them?"

The king looked at Alyndra and then at the floor. He couldn't even keep her safe. How was he going to keep his son and daughter safe? What if he failed at that too....

"What if I fail them too?" He mumbled.

"Thorin you don't have a choice. They've already lost their mother. Don't let them lose their father as well. It is up to you now to prepare them for what lies a head of them. I know Alyndra told you how it was more traditional for a child to be born with the ability to shape-shift when both of it's parents have that ability but it's still possible that either one or both of my grandchildren will have it. And if they do, they would have their mother's animal which also means they would become the eagles next leader. Please don't let my daughter's sacrifice be for nothing. You're children need their father and you need them more then you think. So I ask again, will you fulfill Alyndra's last wishes?"

The Dwarf glanced one last time at the love of his life and a small smile formed on his face. " I will." He declared, looking back at Beorn. The giant man nodded at that and walked over to the other side of the bed where Alyndra lay.

"My brave daughter. You're more like you're mother than I ever imagined." Beorn stated lowly, stroking his child's forehead. "No parent should have to bury their child." And the Skin changer finally broke down and let out the tears.

Thorin knew it was time to move her down to the burial quarters. Thorin began cleaning the blood from her hair and face. Whilst Oin and the others got the two brothers cleaned up and ready to lat them to rest.He then dressed her in more finer clothing a lady of Erebor would wear. Thorin wiped the few tears that had managed to come down his face and pulled out two beads from his pocket. He had been meaning to give them to her for some time, but he had been so distracted. He began braiding them into her hair. The king felt someone place a hand on his shoulder and looked to his side to see Dwalin, who nodded that they were ready with the two young brothers.

What remained of the company, along with Dain's army carried their three fallen members down the long stairs to the burial chambers. Only those closes to Alyndra, Fili and Kili were present. The Skin changer was placed on the middle stone table with Fili and Kili on either side of her. Candles were lined on either sides of their bodies and the company began to make their rounds, silently saying their goodbyes. Thorin looked upon both his nephews who had been more like sons to him. Watching them grow up they were so close to each other and it was only natural that they would die together, though he never imagined it would be so soon. The Dwarf king then moved over to the middle table. Alyndra would always have a place in his heart and he promised all of Middle-Earth would know of this one remarkable woman. That she was the reason the Dwarves had their homeland back and promised that his children would know of their mother's love for them and her great sacrifice.

A few others said a few words, including Gandalf, Beorn, Radagast, Bilbo and even a few of the Dwarves, Balin, Bofur and surprisingly Dwalin, who had been so suspicious of Alyndra for so long and he wished he parted from her on better terms, he promised he would protect and serve the two future Durin's until his last days.

Dain's army and most of the company had started to make their way back up the stairs. Only Beorn, Bilbo and Thorin still remained, having a harder time then they thought, letting these three go.

The eagles would mourn their fallen leader in their own ways and would keep watch over the boy and girl their entire life, waiting until the day if one or both had their mother's heritage and would become their next leader but until that day came, Alyndra's second would take command for now.

Beorn told Thorin that it would be sometime tomorrow the eagles that were bring his children, along with his son Noah and his sister in law would arrive. And the King could hardly wait to finally hold his son and daughter in his arms for the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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