[Chapter Thirty Six]

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The skin changer woke up abruptly the next morning. Her face was covered in sweat and she felt something warm running over her lips. Her fingers instantly went to her face and she pulled her hand back to see it was blood. Her eyes widen in fear, her dream she was having, was no dream at all - it was a vision. Alyndra glanced down beside her to see Thorin no longer there, and she wondered when in the night he had decided to leave her side. The young woman got up and wiped the dry blood with the back of her hand and wandered down the hall, looking for any of the dwarves, to ask if they had seen their king.

Alyndra didn't have to trudge down the hall long to discover where Thorin was. She stopped at the sound of his voice shouting from the throne room. He was furious, with whoever it was he was speaking with. He began yelling once again, demanding to know why none of his kin had been able to locate the stone. They had been searching for almost a week and still have found no sign of it. The dwarf was sure, it was in this mountain. She then heard Balin and Dwalin's voice and she was beyond shocked that Thorin would dare question their loyalty to him or any of the company for that reason. Did he really think one of them was capable of taken it for themselves? The dwarf, hissed his final threat if he should learn the truth and stormed out of the throne room to do more searching. The skin changer caught sight of Balin and Dwalin storming out of the room, going their separate ways and then she saw that Thorin had come out of another hall and was walking with great speed towards the treasure room.

The woman was out of options and she did not know what else to do. Her only hope now was by telling Thorin that they were expecting a child it might bring him back to her and she could convince him to leave this place. She didn't need a mountain, all she wanted was to have the real dwarf back, before he was completely gone for good. Alyndra took in a deep breath and walked swiftly towards Thorin. " Thorin!"

The king stopped when he heard her voice, but when he turned to look at her, his expression was unreadable. "Thorin we need to talk." She began.

"Alyndra, in case you haven't noticed. I am quite busy and don't have time to talk. Unless you have knowledge of the whereabouts of the arkenstone, it will have to wait." Thorin grumbled at her.

"Thorin this concerns us! Or do you no longer care about us!?" She snapped at him, and she saw the flare growing in his eyes.

"We'll talk about this later." The dwarf hissed.

"No! There is no time later! This is important Thorin!"

"The only thing that's important right now is finding that stone." Thorin pressed and with that he left into the treasure room. Alyndra's eyes filled with tears at Thorin's harsh words. The skin changer wandered down the hall until she was at the point where it hurt too much to continue on and she slid against the wall to the ground. She wrapped her arms around her knees, trying to muffle her crying.

"Alyndra?" Bilbo's voice came from around the corner.

"Oh...Bilbo...its you." She sighed as she quickly wiped away the tears that had come down her face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his voice was filled with concern for his friend.

"Ohh, I just tried...well I thought if I told Thorin that he was going to be a father. I thought it might....somehow bring him back to his normal self. But....his only concern is finding that bloody stone." She cried and she covered her face in her knees. The hobbit was beyond shocked, he had no idea his friend was even with child.

"Alyndra I had no idea. That is wonderful to hear." The hobbit declared as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, causing her to give a slight chuckle and smile.

"I shouldn't have waited so long to tell him....Balin told me I shouldn't wait to tell him, even before we found the door into the mountain. But I just didn't believe I was." She admitted.

"Are you not happy that you and Thorin are going to have a child?" Bilbo then asked.

"Of course I'm happy. I just.....wished more then anything I could tell Thorin...but it's already too late; his gone."

Bilbo wasn't sure what comforting words to give his friend. She was lost at what to do. They were soon interrupted when they heard approaching footsteps.

"Alyndra." Dwalin called as he came towards them. "Alyndra, the eagles are here." He began and the skin changer felt her heart stop, wondering what they could be doing here. Had something happened to her father or brother? 

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